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Speeding up Aim: To calculate speed. Key words: distance, time, speed, accurate.
Learning outcomes Know how to calculate speed. Use a formula to calculate speed. Be able to represent data in a graph. Key words: distance, time, speed
Units of measuremnet
27mph 64mph 185mph 1875mph 2045mph
Calculating speed Speed = distance ÷ time If we know the distance an object travels and the time it takes we can calculate the speed.
How fast do you walk or run? How could you find out how fast you walk or run? To find out how fast I walk or run I could…. What will you need to measure to find out? To find out my speed I need to measure…… What will you use to make accurate measurements? To make accurate measurements I will….
Recording the evidence TestDistance ( ) Time (min/s) speed m/s CHALLENGE: Calculating the mean. Add up all the times ÷ the number of tests.
TestDistance ( ) Time (min/s) speed m/s TestDistance ( ) Time (min/s) speed m/s 1 2 3
Considering the evidence The distance = Mean time = I walked / ran. How I calculated my speed: My speed was =
Help! MEAN: The sum of a list of numbers, divided by the total number of numbers in the list
Challenge task: