CS288 Object-Oriented Software Engineering Motivation and Introduction Bill Mitchell
2 Software Engineering Methodology Modular (Can split tasks into self contained units that can be worked on by different groups) Reusable (So can be incorporated into future releases of new products) Flexible (When requirements are in constant flux it is easier to modify system) Reliable (Less likely to introduce errors and easier to find errors)
3 Objects Oriented Programming Language for describing process, ‘things’ and ‘how’ they behave, change, can be used or can be adapted. Think of cookery recipe. An Apple Pie recipe tells you what you need, and how to put things together. Neither on there own makes much sense. Object DataObject Methods
4 Objects - Packaging data and functionality together Example: CGI character in TV drama, Emperor Dalek Data: 3d coordinates of geometry texture properties Methods: Mapping 3d coords to pixels Audio rendering of voice Physical movement of components
5 Example – Tea the drink Object: Tea Drinking Data: types of tea kind of tea (bag or leaf) amount of tea for pot of tea for N people additional ingredients, milk, sugar, lemon Methods: Top level method of ‘Making Tea’ breaks down into many sub methods: fill kettle with water boil kettle WHAT NEXT?
6 There were five primary goals in the creation of the Java language: 1.It should use the object-oriented programming methodology. 2.It should allow the same program to be executed on multiple computer platforms. 3.It should contain built-in support for using computer networks. 4.It should be designed to execute code from remote sources securely. 5.It should be easy to use and borrow the good parts of older Object Oriented languages like C++.
7 Java Example: Azureus BitTorrent Client
8 Java Example: Web Servers
9 Java Example: Open Office, Open Source Microsoft Office Replacement. As built in Java is portable to: All Linux All Unix All Windows Macs Currently gaining market in cash strapped local governments
10 NetBeans, IDE for Java.
11 Summary Course outline and structure Introduction to global enterprise engineering methods Realization of complexity of system design Next time UML class diagrams and language constructs