Joniškis “Aušros” gymnasium, Lithuania Joniškis district geographical environment
Joniškis district
Vilnius Capital of Lithuania Joniškis
Joniškis district territory is 1153 km²
The territory borders with the Republic of Latvia
The landscape of Joniškis district is glacially flat, except for Linkuva morainic hill in the south
It has rich ethnocultural heritage
Plains cover a big part of the territory as it was on the way of glacier moving. The highest point of Joniškis district is 98 meters.
Mixed forest zone covers almost 18% of the district. Rich soils were the reason to cut out most of natural forests.
The landscape is not varied, leafy forests and fertile soils with sowed grain such as wheat and barley dominate here.
The terrain is marked by numerous small rivers and swamps, and has only one natural lake.
The longest river Muša starts in Muša Tyrelis swamp
There are residents in Joniškis district. The population density is 25 people in 1 km².
10743 people live in Joniškis town.
Most (99%) of Joniškis residents are Lithuanians, Roman catholics.
Joniškis district protected areas: Žagarė Regional park, conservation areas, natural monuments
Joniškis district protected plants
Regional mineral resourses used only for constructional work: sand, gravel and dolomite
All photos are taken by students of Joniškis “Aušros” gymnasium