Reporting with MedChart What can data do for you?
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Selection of current reports for Nurses Nursing Dashboards: Missed Doses Dashboard Delayed Doses Dashboard Withheld Doses Dashboard Adherence to guidelines: Non Medical Prescriber Practice Medication Prescribed Without Weight Recording Medication prescribed for self/carer administration
Selection of current reports for Prescribers Adherence to guidelines: As for Administration practice IV Anti-microbial stewardship Appropriate recording of indications Allergies and Interactions: Allergen prescribing Severe interactions Target reports: Smoking cessation referrals Junior Doctor Prescribing
Selection of current reports for Pharmacists Patient Safety: Appropriate dosing of dalteparin Administration of emergency correction medications Prescription of high risk medications Antipsychotic prescribing in the elderly Antibiotic omissions Allergies and Interactions: As for Prescribing practice Operational data Medicines reconciliation Pharmacist interventions Supply issues Target reports: Smoking cessation referrals Opioid indications High dose inhaled corticosteroids Identification of patients by drug prescribed
Example Reports
Prescriptions without an allergy status recorded (DOCRep10) on 24-Nov-2015 at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Row No AgeSexLocationAdmission Date Discharge Date Number of Meds Prescribed 156FSTH - SAL DSU STH Surgical Admissions Lounge :00 AM 2 27FELCH - Husky :55 AM :40 PM3 341MSTH - Evan Jones (EMU) :00 AM :00 PM4 494FSTH - Coronary Care Unit :14 PM FGUYS - Haematology Day Unit :18 PM :45 PM1 670FGUYS - Oncology Day Case AOS :37 AM 4 765FGUYS - Sarah :23 AM 5 882FSTH - Evan Jones (EMU) :42 AM :50 PM1 947FSTH - Inpatients (for DSU Theatres) :30 AM :06 PM5 1011FELCH - Husky :45 AM :20 PM3 1128MSTH - Evan Jones (EMU) :38 AM :30 PM3
Example Reports Junior doctor prescribing report (DocRep15) Period covered: 01-Oct-2015 to 31-Oct-2015 at Guy's & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust IDMedication PrescribedRouteFreqDoseActivity%(Total Prescription By Jr Doctors) 1sodium chloride 0.9% Infusion SubTotal84.47% 2omeprazole Gastro-Resistant Capsule SubTotal73.91% 3paracetamol SubTotal63.35% 4MACROGOL COMPOUND oral powder (GALEN) sugar-free SubTotal52.79% 5compound sodium lactate (HARTMANN'S) infusion (1000mL) SubTotal52.79%
Example Reports Prescription of high risk medications (DOCRep05) on 24-Nov-2015 at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS FoundationTrust DirectorateWard Name AgeSexMedication Prescribed Min Dose Max Dose Qualifier Details UnitFormFreqRouteIndicationDurationPrescription Date Pharmacy Comments Phamacist ReviewOn Admission Date Abdominal Medicine and SurgeryGUYS - Florence 54Mgentamicin Injection 160 mgIJstatIntravenoussurgical prophylaxis :32 PM :00 AM 74Mwarfarin sodium mg vdoWOralAtrial Fibrillation/Flutt er Long Term :53 PM :45 PM GUYS - Patience 30Fvancomycin Infusion 1000 Check levels as per 'Antibiotic Use in Adult Patients with Renal Impairment' clinical guideline mgIFstatIntravenousVancomycin in patients with CrCl less than 50mL/min (weight kg) :23 PM :00 AM GUYS - Richard Bright 30Fvancomycin 1g Infusion gIFvdoGHaemodialysisSoft tissue infection :18 PM :00 AM gentamicin Injection mgIJvdoGHaemodialysisSoft tissue :18 PM :00 AM 28Mazathioprine 25mg Tablet 50 mgTBstatOral :33 AM New - switched from mycophenolate T10:13: :46 PM 54Famikacin sulphate Injection 500 7mg/kg dose (maximum dose of 500mg) to be given by anaesthetist at induction mgIJstatIntravenousAdult Renal Transplant (Standard Risk) :10 PM :00 PM STH - GI Unit (Gastrointesti nal) - STH 70Mgentamicin Injection 400 mgIJo.d.Intravenouspsuedomonas as per micro 2 Doses :32 PM New use ideal body weight. ibw 78.75kg. 5mg/kg T16:15: :00 PM 37Fgentamicin Injection 450 mgIJstatIntravenouspleural fluid as per ID :59 AM :55 AM 35Mazathioprine Tablet 200 mgTBmaneOral :49 PM :55 AM
Example Reports Smoking cessation referrals (PHRep33) Period covered: 01-Oct-2015 to 31-Oct-2015 at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Row No LocationAgeSexSmoking Status NRT Status NRT Prescribed Admission Date Discharge Date 3STH - Acute Admissions69F*Smoker (0-10/day)*NRT: offered and acceptedY :37 PM :32 PM 4STH - Sarah Swift (Vascular)41M*Never Smoked*NRT: not applicableY :38 AM :30 PM Prescription of high dose inhaled corticosteroids (PHRep02) on 24-Nov-2015 at Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust IDLocationHospital Number Medication Prescribed Min Dose Max Dose UnitFormFreqRouteindicationQualifier Details DurationPrescription Date Ceased On Prescribing Doctor PharmPharm Comment Pharm Review Daily Dose(mcg) Tiotropium Prescribed 1GUYS - Dorcas XSERETIDE 250 ACCUHALER dry powder inhaler 2 DPb.d.Inhalati on :45 PM Henry Munby [SHO] GUYS - Dorcas USYMBICORT TURBOHALER 200microgram+6m icrogram dry powder inhaler 2 DPb.d.Inhalati on :51 PM Farah Din[Clinical Fellow] 800tiotropium 18microgra m DPI 3GUYS - Esther GSYMBICORT TURBOHALER 100microgram+6m icrogram dry powder inhaler 2 DPb.d.Inhalati on :55 PM Pedram Modarres [Doctor] 400tiotropium 2.5microgra m MDI