1 Unidata Policy Committee 5 February Level II Data Access & Distribution Linda Miller Roots Roots Why Level II Data? Why Level II Data? CRAFT CRAFT Applications Applications NWS distribution NWS distribution UPC involvement UPC involvement Next Steps Next Steps
2 Roots 1998 discussions with reps from USWRP, OU, Unidata, NCAR, FSL, et al 1998 discussions with reps from USWRP, OU, Unidata, NCAR, FSL, et al Use of LDM to distribute Level II data for universities and to NCDC for archivalUse of LDM to distribute Level II data for universities and to NCDC for archival Unanimous endorsement for UPC to proceed with collaboration at 1998 Policy Committee meeting in R.I. Unanimous endorsement for UPC to proceed with collaboration at 1998 Policy Committee meeting in R.I.
3 Roots-cont. Collaborative Radar Acquisition Field Test (CRAFT) was born Collaborative Radar Acquisition Field Test (CRAFT) was born Main goal: “..to demonstrate real- time compression and data distribution of multiple radars delivering Level II data with a view toward nationwide implementation” – technology transfer! Main goal: “..to demonstrate real- time compression and data distribution of multiple radars delivering Level II data with a view toward nationwide implementation” – technology transfer!
4 Why Level II Data? Level III (NIDS-type) are digital products (pictures) Level III (NIDS-type) are digital products (pictures) Level II provides full resolution digital data; all elevation angles; full data precision Level II provides full resolution digital data; all elevation angles; full data precision Level I is too voluminous-includes I&Q in time series from reflectivity, velocity, spectrum width (nuts and bolts of data) Level I is too voluminous-includes I&Q in time series from reflectivity, velocity, spectrum width (nuts and bolts of data) Level II is research quality data Level II is research quality data
5CRAFT Successful collaboration with stakeholders from universities, private sector, government Successful collaboration with stakeholders from universities, private sector, government Testing and refinements with LDM and NSSL’s compression (Bzip2) with initial 6 radars Testing and refinements with LDM and NSSL’s compression (Bzip2) with initial 6 radars Use of LDM to move data from radars to NCDC for archiving requirement Use of LDM to move data from radars to NCDC for archiving requirement Allowed transition from 8mm Exabyte tapesAllowed transition from 8mm Exabyte tapes Huge cost savings and reliability realizedHuge cost savings and reliability realized
6 CRAFT-cont Currently 102 radars Currently 102 radars 35 sites receiving data from OU-CAPS 35 sites receiving data from OU-CAPS 17 universities 17 universities 12 government 12 government 6 private industry 6 private industry 1 March- NWS will have 121 NWS and 3 DOD sites on “CRAFT“/NWS Network 1 March- NWS will have 121 NWS and 3 DOD sites on “CRAFT“/NWS Network NWS will announce options for distributing Level II data by end of Feb 2004 NWS will announce options for distributing Level II data by end of Feb 2004
7 Applications Use in courses to expose students to full suite of radar information-future plans include mesoscale modeling Use in courses to expose students to full suite of radar information-future plans include mesoscale modeling Cloud and wind analysis & mesoscale data assimilation Cloud and wind analysis & mesoscale data assimilation Initializing forecasts Initializing forecasts Support NASA’s Tropical Rainfall measuring Mission (TRMM) Ground Validation Program Support NASA’s Tropical Rainfall measuring Mission (TRMM) Ground Validation Program Real time storm tracking Real time storm tracking Spotter operations Spotter operations Experimental correction of echo tops research Experimental correction of echo tops research Storm-scale data assimilation and numerical prediction Storm-scale data assimilation and numerical prediction Visualization with IDV and IRAS Visualization with IDV and IRAS Storm analysis and radar data quality improvements Storm analysis and radar data quality improvements Creating special products for customers Creating special products for customers Data archival Data archival
8 NWS Distribution ROC/NWS active CRAFT stakeholders CRAFT deemed an appropriate project for technology transfer to NWS operations NOAA/NWS became Abilene collaborator Use of Internet2 High Speed Network to support distribution of Level II data to NCEP, NCDC, and academic community Private sector has 10 sec latency requirement NCEP has 60 sec latency requirement NWS held meeting in June, 2003, to discuss proposed method of data distribution using Internet Private sector responded by recommending FOS option
9 Family of Services Proposed Radar Products Service II Estimated Costs - - One Time Cost (OTC) for processors (servers), routers, router I/O cards, cables, matrix switch I/O cards, etc. ($68K) - - OTC will be spread out over a period of 5 years to minimize the cost to external users ($13.6K) - - Other Direct Cost (Includes OTC) ($15K) - - Direct Labor Cost ($42K) - - Distributed (Indirect) Costs ($25K) - - Total Product/Service Cost ($83K/YR) - - Estimated Quantity (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) - - Final Product/Service Price ($21K), ($17K), ($14K), ($12K), ($10K)
10 NWS Distribution Status Solicitation sent 12/05 Solicitation sent 12/05 Evaluations conducted by: Evaluations conducted by: 3 Unidata technical staff3 Unidata technical staff 3 NWS technical staff3 NWS technical staff Point system to each proposal-Miller collected all evaluations and tallied outcome – sent to NWS Point system to each proposal-Miller collected all evaluations and tallied outcome – sent to NWS Awards will be announced after MOAs have been signed by selectees Awards will be announced after MOAs have been signed by selectees
11 NWS Distribution & UPC Involvement UPC involvement UPC involvement LDM 6LDM 6 Coordination with NWS Hdqtrs for a “Call for Participation” for top level sites to provide Level II data distribution to universities, government, private industryCoordination with NWS Hdqtrs for a “Call for Participation” for top level sites to provide Level II data distribution to universities, government, private industry Terms of “Call” – freely available to univ, gov, and on “cost recovery” basis for private industry Terms of “Call” – freely available to univ, gov, and on “cost recovery” basis for private industry Sign an MOA with NOAA/NWS with terms associated with the solicitation. Sign an MOA with NOAA/NWS with terms associated with the solicitation. Solicitation-not FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) Solicitation-not FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) UPC to provide LDM training to NWS regional hdqtrs staffUPC to provide LDM training to NWS regional hdqtrs staff
12 NWS 4 sites will provide LDM data distribution of Level II data 4 sites will provide LDM data distribution of Level II data 2 sites were pre-selected by the NWS; 2 sites were pre-selected by the NWS; Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (Max) GigaPop (collocated with Univ of Maryland)Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (Max) GigaPop (collocated with Univ of Maryland) ERC GigaPop (collocated with NCDC- Asheville)ERC GigaPop (collocated with NCDC- Asheville) 2 remaining sites to be selected 2 remaining sites to be selected
14 Next Steps Unidata to train regional hdqtr sites Unidata to train regional hdqtr sites Salaries, benefits, & travel covered by NWSSalaries, benefits, & travel covered by NWS Assist selected top level sites with IDD topology, if desired Assist selected top level sites with IDD topology, if desired Provide support to top level sitesProvide support to top level sites Provide support for recipients of dataProvide support for recipients of data
15 More Information? Contact: or Linda Miller External Liaison, Unidata