Chapter 1. Mass Communication, Culture, and Mass Media What Is Mass Communication and Mass Media Scope and Nature of Mass Media Changes Culture Mass Communication, Culture and Media Literacy
What Is Communication? Communication Defined Communication: transmission of a message from a source to a receiver Communication process model (SMCR) Source - Message - Channel - Receiver. Encode Decode
What Is Mass Communication? Process of creating shared meaning between mass media and large, undifferentiated mass audiences Should be able to overcome time and space barrier.
What Is Mass Communication? Schramm’s Model of Mass Communication
Traditional vs. Internet ? Schramm’s mass communication model refers feedback as inferential feedback indirect rather than direct Thus, the most significant difference between traditional mass media and Internet:?? Answer: Interactivity! Interactivity: Real Time Feedback Content of message being exchanged is based on the previous message.
Traditional View of Mass Comm Gatekeepers/Agenda-setting function, or Mass Society Theory-based view Assumption: Audiences are passive receptacle for the mass message Undifferentiated mass and easy to manipulate Suckers are born in every minute???
Contemporary View of Mass Comm Individuality/individual uniqueness Audience are powerful Narrowcasting, instead of Broadcasting Mass media targeting small, unique set of target audience Shifting of focus from Demographic characteristics to Lifestyle characteristics ex) Cable TV, Magazines and of course, INTERNET.
Culture Culture Functions and Effects of Culture Learned behavior of members of given social group Functions and Effects of Culture Limits our options and provides useful guidelines for behavior, which can be negative In pluralistic society, dominant culture (aka. mainstream culture) is often challenged openly Many smaller, bounded cultures (aka. sub-culture) exist within large, mainstream culture.
Mass Communication and Culture Mass media are story tellers: help defining our culture Media literacy: ability to analyze and understand media practices and effects.
Media Literacy Skills Develop awareness of programming trends Keep abreast of patterns in ownership and government regulations that affect the media industry Promote discussions about media programming and issues with friends and colleagues.