Department Approved Cost The approved cost of a project phase represents the dollar amount that the Department has authorized that may be spent on a project phase. During the life of a project/phase, if more or less money is needed to complete the work, this amount may be adjusted through a TYP Management Action. 1
First time on a TYP Approved Cost = Programmed Amount Carry-over (with no prior expenditure, encumbrance or obligation) Approved Cost = Programmed Amount Project Phase on prior TYP (with prior expenditure, encumbrance, or obligation) Approved Cost = Committed Amount + Current TYP Programmed Amount 2
Estimated Cost The estimated cost in MPMS represents the Districts’ best projected dollar amount that a project phase is expected to cost from the beginning of work on the phase to its completion. The estimated cost should be updated as the project phase cost is revised during the life of the project phase. 4
Awarded Cost The cost associated with the award of a contract. The cost is pulled from ECMS. 6
Obligated Cost The obligated amount of a project phase is the amount of federal money the FHWA has authorized that the Department can spend on a project phase. This amount may be adjusted up or down by processing the appropriate documents (4232) and getting the proper authorization from the FHWA. 8
9 Total authorized for Construction = $2,476,244/0.80 = $3,095,305 20% State match = $3,095,305 x 0.20 = $619,061
Actual Cost The actual cost is pulled from SAP. This amount can be located on the Cost Summary screen. Expenditure –the amount of money actually spent on a project phase at any given time. Encumbrance Balance – the amount of money earmarked and set aside to be spent on a given project phase. A project phase cannot spend more money than is encumbered. As phase costs (bills) are processed, this is added to the expenditure and subtracted out of the encumbrance. 10
11 This is where the Phase commitments come from. This is a link to the WBS Form.
Committed Cost 12