N I C H O L S O N S Plants Forestry Landscapes Countryside Stewardship Review and Update
Objectives Water Quality Flood Management Biodiversity
The Woodland Grants Higher TierMid TierOther Capital Woodland Improvement Multi-Annual NoneWoodland Management Plans Woodland Improvement (Capital) Tree Health (Improvement & Restoration) Woodland Improvement (infrastructure) Woodland Creation Establishment* Woodland Creation
The Woodland Grants - Analysis Higher TierMid TierOther Capital Woodland Improvement Multi-Annual NoneWoodland Management Plans Woodland Improvement (Capital) Tree Health (Improvement & Restoration) Woodland Improvement (infrastructure) Woodland Creation Establishment* Woodland Creation Competitive Scored Applications Targeted Set Application Windows Require an FC Approved Management Plan Non-Competitive Open Application Windows No Requirement for an FC Approved Management Plan
Woodland Management Plan ThresholdPayment First 100 hectares (ha)£20 per ha (minimum payment £1000) Over 100ha£10 per ha It can’t be used on woodland: - that is less than 3ha in size - already has a FC approved management plan which requires only minor changes New woodland exceeding 20% of the total management plan area will be excluded from payment. Critical for all Higher Tier Applications Non CompetitiveOpen Application Window
Woodland Tree Health - Restoration Non CompetitiveOpen Application Window Areas of woodland affected by Chalara fraxinea or Phytophthora ramorum. Must have a letter from FC or AHPA to confirm cases of Chalara. Must have a SPHN confirming larch infected with Phytophthora ramorum infected larch Minimum restock area of 0.5 hectares Minimum density of 400 stems/ha Payment based on a per tree and protection requirement basis. Restock tree speciesAncient woodland siteOther Native£3,500£2,750 Non-native£1,750£2,250
Woodland Tree Health - Improvement Non CompetitiveOpen Application Window £ £4400/ha for Rhododendron control £260 - £1680/ha for Larch tree removal Supports removal of Rhododendron and/or (Uneconomic)Young Larch trees in response to a SPHN Rhododendron Control requires a SPHN on ability to prove you are within 3km of a SPHN
Woodland Improvement – Multi Annual £100/ha per annum PAWS Restoration Priority Habitats (Native or Ancient Woodland Types) Priority Species (inc. Woodland Birds) Thinning/Coppicing/Scrub Management are the essentials. UKFS compliance necessary requiring additional work - Deer/Squirrel Control - Open Ground Management - Veteran Trees High Demand on Monitoring Recording and Reporting CompetitiveJuly – End Sept Or EOI by 30 th June for Mixed Apps.
Woodland Improvement – Capital £ Set CS Rates Can be separate or joint with Multi-Annual Application Targeted in Broadleaved/Native Woodland Stand alone items – e.g. Deer Fencing/Scrub Control Supporting items – e.g. High Seats/Badger gates Items ONLY Linked to Joint Multi Annual Applications – Pond Management/Bracken Control Applications need to identify area of influence the work will have. Successful applicants will need to be careful they meet item specifications – e.g Deer fencing. CompetitiveJuly – End Sept Or EOI by 30 th June for Mixed Apps.
Woodland Improvement – Infrastructure 40% Contribution based off FC Standard Roading Rates Targeted in Broadleaved/Native Woodland Prior to applying Prepare detailed specification. Notify the LPA Obtain consent from LPA or IDB for water crossings/culverts Secure three quotes (Guidance states this is only required for successful applicants but this is not the case) Ensure Surveyors and Agents Fees are recorded for adding to the application Applications need to identify area of influence the work will have. Successful applicants will need to ensure they follow specifications carefully. CompetitiveJuly – End Sept Or EOI by 30 th June for Mixed Apps.
Woodland Creation £1.28 per tree £1.60 per tree guard £ Standard costs for fencing/gates etc. £200/ha per annum – Maintenance Payment Payment based on a per tree and protection requirement basis. Based on Scored applications Targets woodland buffering/connectivity with ancient/native woodland types Targets EA identified locations for water quality/flood prevention agenda CompetitiveFebruary to end of April
Woodland Creation CompetitiveFebruary to end of April Minimum agreement size3ha1ha Minimum block size0.5ha0.1ha Minimum width20m10m Minimum stocking density400 stems per ha (sph)1,600sph Maximum internal open space 20%
Woodland Creation Item Before photos of the planting site - Geotagged After photos of the planting site - Geotagged Year 1 – Submit Annual Claim Year 2 - Maintenance Image - Geotagged & Submitted with Claim Year 3 – Submit Annual Claim Year 4 - Maintenance Image– Geotagged & Submitted with Claim Year 5 – Submit Annual Claim Year 6 - Maintenance Image– Geotagged & Submitted with Claim Year 7 – Submit Annual Claim Year 8 - Maintenance Image - Geotagged & Submitted with Claim Year 9 – Submit Annual Claim Year 10 - Maintenance Image - Geotagged & Submitted with Claim Remove individual tree protection in year 10 Woodland Creation Maintenance Payment – Checklist
Some Final Points Web-based information – navigating can be confusing In applying you need to secure more RPA Customer information than before. Critical to read all relevant sections of manuals and options/items in applying. All the data for a grant is not all in the one location. Take note of the obligations and timescales before signing. Be aware of the reporting obligations – particularly for Woodland Creation and Woodland Improvement Multi Annual Agreements.