Poetry Lauren
Spring haiku Drippedy drop drop Kids playing in the puddles And flowers growing.
If You Want to Find Red Color Poem Look at a stop sign. Eat a strawberry and a cherry. And look at a flag. If you want to find red.
If You Want To Find Orange Eat a orange. Or if you want something crunchy. Eat Doritos. If you want ti find orange.
If You Want To Find Yellow Tri a lemon that is sour. And go on your bus. Look at a pretty yellow flowers . If you want to find yellow.
If You Want To Find Green Look at a stem on a flower. Go outside and look at the grass. If you want to find green.
If You Want To Find Blue Look at a globe. Go in the ocean. Go in the pool. If you want to find blue.
If You Want To Find Purple Find flowers that are purple. Grapes , and cotton candy. If you want to find purple.
If You Want to Find Pink
My Five Senses Poem The Sun I smell the nature I hear silence I taste shininess I feel the rays I see it going down.
Twist to the Lorax Where the grickle- grass grows the Lorax and the Truffula trees grow used to live. Is the same place where the Lorax spoke for the trees for the trees have no tongues. The Lorax thinks we should speak for the trees too. Then the Earth will be new! The animals needed homes like us, but the Once- ler didn’t care.