doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Summary of Proposed July03 Revisions to 802.l15 Operating Rules] Date Submitted: [18 July 2003] Source: [James D. Allen] Company: [Appairent Technologies] Address: [150 Lucius Gordon Dr., Rochester, NY, 14586, USA] Voice: [ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [ WG Rules Change, Document r6, r0 ] Abstract:[Summary of recommendations for WG Rules Change.] Purpose:[To explain the recommendations for WG Rules Change.] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) Rules Change Summary Document This document summarizes the proposed changes to the Rules because: –Rules regarding Changes: Proposed changes shall be in written form and should include: The purpose, objective, or problem the proposed change is intended to address, The specific text of the rule change, The rationale for the chosen text. These changes are posted before being reviewed at a Plenary meeting (I.e. now) and are voted on at the next Plenary meeting.
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) Cover page deleted –Updates document format to current rules –Replaced with boiler plate References –Removed hotlinks and updated titles. –Added reference 6 for the Standards Development Outline. Function of Working Group –Made ISO/IEC JTC1 optional by adding “as appropriate” –… because it is now optional Operating Rules –Changed “Rules” to new terms “Policies and Procedures” through out the document Summary of Changes:
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) General Changes: –There are several changes to reflect duties during Interims, and to extend the WG tasks to include support of Guidelines. Various minor style and grammatical corrections were also made. –Line numbers were added to help find text references 1.0 Overview –The formal title for SEC was spelled out to correct the style 2.1 Function –Removed CMSA, and “no qualification at all” references. –In total, the references cancel themselves. This change also parallel’s the intent of ’s text Chair –Interim meetings are added to the Chair’s duties
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) Technical Editor –Made WG Technical editor a broader job, supporting the TG editors and removed document references that are already specified by other documents Working Group Advisory Committee –Cleaned up and modernized language. –Removed Co-Vice-Chair. Not necessary to list this as a specific position. It’s not referenced anywhere else. 2.4 WG Membership –Removed specific reference to.11b wireless Networks and replaced with general need to be able to receive and give files. –802.11x is not required to exchange documents and the current version will change (e.g..11a,b,g..).
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) 2.5 Treasurer –Activated Treasurer position and rewrote outdated responsibilities –With the size of the organization, a treasurer is needed to control the financial aspects of the WG Document Numbering and File Names –Replaced with new numbering system –New system is harmonized with and will be automatically assigned in the new system –Made the Draft numbering system dependent on IEEE-SA Draft Standard Balloting Group –The voting membership was changed to specify “members as of the beginning of the ballot” rather than up to the end of the ballot –It is too difficult to manage membership based on the close of the ballot
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) Required formats –Deleted file format references. –File formats will be specified by the Chair in a new Chair’s Guidelines document Task Group Vice Chair –Added this description, but does not call out the position Task Group Technical Editor –Describes this specific TG level job and added new text –Does not define a position –Reflects correct organizational structure
doc.: IEEE /0281r1 Submission James D. Allen (Appairent Technologies, Inc.) 7.5 Working Group Ballot –Removed reference to FAX documents –Outdated 8.1 Chair Activities –Removed outdated references and reference to a specific day for meetings –Fixed various references and spellings. –Included the ability to submit “soft” attendance lists. 8.5 Meeting Coordinator –Deleted –Will be handled by a separate, more appropriate document.