NCDR Registry Statistics End of 2 nd Quarter 2011 Registry # of Participants # of Patient Records # of Manuscripts & Abstracts ACTION Registry®- GWTG TM million61/142 CathPCI Registry® million65/151 CARE Registry® ,00022/41 ICD Registry TM ,00022/8 IMPACT Registry TM 332,0001/2 PINNACLE Registry® million7/21
Quarter 2 ACTION Registry-GWTG Outcomes Reports distributed. Manuscripts Published 1 Manuscript in Press 32 Manuscripts in Process 43 Presented Abstracts ACTION Registry ® -GTWG™ - Recent Publication: “Association of DIDO Time with Reperfusion Delays and Outcomes Among Patients Transferred for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention” JAMA, June 22/29,2011-Vol.305,No.24
Dashboard launched for sites to produce on demand reporting and unique comparison groups Recent Publications: –Survival of Patients Undergoing Rescue Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Development and Validation of a Predictive Tool JAMA, May 11, Vol 305, No. 18; –Door-to-Balloon Times for Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Requiring Inter-hospital Transfer for Primary PCI: A Report from NCDR Am Heart J 2011.;161:1; –Variation in Appropriate PCI Use: Insights from the NCDR JAMA. 2011;306(1):53-61
Registry 1,612 enrolled 760,000 patient records 6,300 leads only procedures 620 pediatric procedures (<21 years of age) Average 10,000 implants per month Funding 2012 Hospital fee $3,695.00
Over 2.1 million patient records covering ambulatory encounters for patients with CAD, HF, AFib, and hypertension 827 providers from 295 data-submitting office sites across nearly 30 states Qualified by CMS for reporting 14 clinical PQRS measures and eRx 2 manuscripts published (in JACC & AJM) in 2010, 2 published (in JACC & US Cardiology) in 2011 with several more in press