Amazing Clouds
All about clouds! Four types of clouds What each type looks like What weather is associated with each cloud What level each cloud is at in the sky
What’s in the clouds? Water vapor Dust Rain, snow or hail
Four Types of clouds Cumulus Stratus Cirrus Cumulonimbus Review Quiz
Cumulus Clouds! Cumulus clouds look like cotton balls!
Cumulus Clouds! Cumulus clouds can be associated with good or bad weather!
For more on cumulus clouds Click here Cumulus clouds are low level clouds! For more on cumulus clouds Click here
Stratus Clouds! Stratus clouds look like blankets!
Stratus Clouds! Stratus clouds sometimes are associated with thunderstorms!
For more on stratus clouds Click here Stratus clouds are low level clouds! For more on stratus clouds Click here
Cirrus Clouds! Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy!
Cirrus Clouds! Cirrus clouds are high level clouds!
For more on cirrus clouds Click here Cirrus clouds can’t create rain, snow, or hail! For more on cirrus clouds Click here
cumulonimbus Clouds! Cumulonimbus clouds are tall, fluffy clouds!
CumuloNimbus Clouds! Cumulonimbus clouds are involved in thunderstorms and other bad weather.
For more on cumulonimbus clouds Click here Cumulonimbus clouds are low level clouds! For more on cumulonimbus clouds Click here
Just a reminder! Clouds are made up of dust and water vapor. The four basic types of clouds are cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus. Cumulus clouds are low level clouds that look like cotton balls and can be seen in good or bad weather.
Have you Learned this? Stratus clouds are low level clouds that look like blankets and sometimes are associated with thunderstorms. Cirrus clouds are thin, high level clouds that can not produce any precipitation. Cumulonimbus clouds are low level clouds which look fluffy and can be seen in thunderstorms and other bad weather.
How much do you Know? Which cloud type has high level clouds? Which type of cloud can be seen in good or bad weather and looks like a cotton ball? Which cloud is two cloud types combined? Clouds are made up of dust and __________. Which clouds look like a blanket? What are the four main cloud types?
More Links to clouds! Clouds 4 Types of Clouds All about clouds Cloud types Types of Clouds
Answers! Cirrus Cumulus Cumulonimbus Water vapor Stratus Cumulus, cirrus, stratus, and cumulonimbus