HQM01 Test Summary Outline -Magnet Instrumentation and Shim System -SG Data -Short Sample Limits -Quench Training at 4.6 K and 2.2 K -Ramp rate and Temperature.


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Presentation transcript:

HQM01 Test Summary Outline -Magnet Instrumentation and Shim System -SG Data -Short Sample Limits -Quench Training at 4.6 K and 2.2 K -Ramp rate and Temperature dependence study -Protection heater and MIITs study -RRR measurements -Splice resistance measurements

HQ coil test in a mirror structure Coil #12: 0.8-mm Nb 3 Sn 54/61 design, 1-mil Stainless Steel core Strain Gauges: azimuthal and axial gauges on the Platinum pole, azimuthal gauges on the upper and lower skins, axial gauges on the bullets 2 protection heaters and10 voltage taps on each coil layer PC board based quench antenna (4 boards distributed evenly with 30 cm spacing) TQM HQM

HQM01 Shim system breakdown (warm): um coil oversize + 50 um 2 mil extra ground wrap at midplane + 35 um from 50um extra radial ground wrap +178 um from 250um extra kapton on shell +475 for 19 mil kapton shim at midplane um G-10 shim undersize (.143 vs..183 mils) -357 um effective midplane shim reduction from 500 um above control spacer = 431 um Total midplane “gap” size HQM01 Shim System Illustration R. Bossert

Final pressing of HQM01 with coil #12 R. Bossert

Strain Gauge Data: cool down Coil Axial SG Coil Azimuthal SG Pre-stress changed from -122 to 0 MPa

Strain Gauge Data: cool down Shell Azimuthal SG at 60 deg. Shell Azimuthal SG at 90 deg. LE view Lower half Upper half

Strain Gauge Data: cool down Bullets at LE Bullets at RE

Strain Gauge Data: Excitation Coil Azimuthal SG Coil Axial SG Quench current A at 4.6 K

Strain Gauge Data: Excitation Quench current A at 4.6 K Shell Azimuthal SG at 60 deg. Shell Azimuthal SG at 90 deg.

Strain Gauge Data: Excitation Quench current A at 4.6 K Bullets at LE Bullets at RE

Strain Gauge Data: warm up Coil Axial SG Coil Azimuthal SG From 0 to -122 MPa

Strain Gauge Data: warm up Shell Azimuthal SG at 60 deg. Shell Azimuthal SG at 90 deg. LE view Lower half Upper half

Strain Gauge Data: warm up Bullets at LE Bullets at RE

HQM01 SSL SSL estimates are preliminary: correct coverage of iron ends and shape of iron insert in the magnet center SSL: 17.8 kA at 4.6 K

HQ coil voltage taps (inner layer) Pos. Lead

HQM01 Quench History Maximum quench current4.6 K: A (82% of SSL) 2.2 K: A

HQM01 Quench Locations 4.6 K 2.5 K 4.6 K 2.2 K

Quench History at 4.6 K 150 A/s 20 A/s 100 A/s Quenches in pole turn block

HQM01 ramp rate dependence

Ramp rate dependence in HQM01 & HQ01

Quenches in mid-plane segment A3_A4 A2_A3

RRR measurements Average RRR ~ 300

Splice measurements nOhm

MIITs study Dump delay 1000 ms 15-Ohm dump resistor Peak power density 30 W/cm 2

MIITs study 15-Ohm dump resistor

PH tests

Holding quenches At 2.2 K (maximum quench current 15.4 kA) Holding A for 10 min at 2.2 K At 4.6 K (maximum quench current 14.7 kA) Holding A for 20 sec Several quenches when approaching the target current Holding A for 10 min at 4.6 K

Backup Slides

HQM01 magnetic flux and load lines HQ mirror cross-section with flux density distribution at 20.3 kA TD