E0 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training E 1 Excreta Disposal in Emergencies Introduction.


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Presentation transcript:

E0 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training E 1 Excreta Disposal in Emergencies Introduction

E0 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training E 2 Session 1: Welcome & Introductions Welcome and Introductions Outline of the course format Ice breaker activity (10-15 minutes)

E0 WASH Cluster – Emergency Training E 3 E0 30 mins Introduction SessionWelcome, house-keeping, introductions to facilitators and participants. E1 30 mins Cluster approach – an introductionTo set background to Cluster approach: coordination and best practice. E2 30 mins Sanitation linkages To establish links between sanitation, water supply, and hygiene promotion, and with other sectors - health, nutrition, shelter. The importance of safe sanitation, health risks in an emergency. E3 45 mins Sanitation assessment Sanitation needs assessment and prioritisation in emergency situation. Use of IRA & CAT for decision- making and Sphere standards. 30 mins Coffee Break E4 45 mins Immediate sanitation solutions Understanding a range of short-term solutions: making toilets/cess pits/sewers safe; defecation fields, trenches. Accompanied by priority HP activities E5 30 mins Local regulations and best practiceNational and local regulations and standards about sanitation; local best practice E6 45 mins Short term solutions: Case study Work in groups to consider the cluster response to a particular emergency scenario. Course timetable: morning objectives