1 COMMUNITY LIBRARY CONDITIONAL GRANT 3 rd & 4 th Quarter Performance: 2012/13 Financial Year
Purposes & Objectives of the Grant 2 Goal is to enable South African society to gain access to knowledge and information that will improve their socio-economic situation. Purpose is to transform urban and rural community library infrastructure, facilities and services (Primarily targeting previously disadvantaged communities through a recapitalized programme at provincial level in support of local government and national initiatives.
Expected outcomes 3 Improved library infrastructure and services that reflect the specific needs of the communities they serve. Transformed and equitable library and information services delivered to all rural and urban communities. Improved co-ordination and collaboration between national, provincial and local government on library services. Improved culture of reading. Improved staff capacity at urban and rural libraries that responds appropriately to community knowledge and information needs. Allocation of budget to achieve these outcomes is reflected in the following slide.
Budget Structure for Libraries Grant
Outputs for 2012/13 : Quarter 3 5 ActivityQ3 Budget Q3 Budget spent Amount committed Construction of libraries R3,261mR1,769mR1,492m Upgrading of libraries R2, 354mR734,000R1,620m Provision of Modular libraries to rural areas R5,052mR2,152mR- ICT Infrastructure installed R750,000R0R694,000 ICT Equipment purchased R305,000 R- Consultative meetings held and attended R54,000R38,000R16,000 Compensation of employees paid R3,788mR2,433mR- Automated facilities maintained and serviced R2,000mR306,000R1,694m Training of personnel R180,000R108,000R72,000 Library materials purchased R3,331mR209,000R3,122m
Outputs for 2012/13: Quarter 3 6 ActivityQ3 BudgetQ3 Budget spent Amount committed Library workers attend conferences R400,000R328,000R72,000 Special services provided to visually impaired communities R1m R- Community members involved and participated in library awareness programmes R415,541R232,541R183,000 Literacy programmes provided to communities R57,000R50,000R7,000 Marketing projects provided (newsletter) R27, 459 R- Functional monitoring and evaluation systems effected R25,000R17,000R8,000 TOTALS = R23mR8,980R13,291m
Outputs for 2012/13 : Quarter 4 7 ActivityQ4 BudgetQ4 Budget spentAmount committed Construction of libraries R2,000mR7,219mR781,000 Upgrading of libraries R1, 901mR2,781mR219,000 Provision of Modular libraries to rural areas -R0R4,4m Number of libraries provided with security infrastructure R 3,9m R 3 628mR272,000 ICT Infrastructure installed R 300, 000 R Number of library structures established and facilitated R25,000R20,000R5,000 Number of functional monitoring and evaluation systems effected R69,420R47,280R22,140 Number of library materials provided at community libraries R1,919,429R3,586,340R157,429
Outputs for 2012/13: Quarter 4 8 ActivityQ4 BudgetQ4 Budget spentAmount committed Automated facilities maintained and serviced R2,628mR1,060R1,568,336 Compensation of employees paid R3, 436mR1,666mR1,770m Training of personnel R67,000R60,380R6,620 Marketing projects provided R27,000 - TOTALS = R16,273mR20,095mR7,431m
Budget vs Expenditure : 2012/ Economic classification BudgetActual Expenditure Available budget Expenditure % Building and other fixed structures R36,512mR24,425mR12,087m66.9% Goods and services R27,698mR20,706mR6,992m74,8% Machinery and equipment R5,150R5,306mR-100% Compensation of employees R17,332R14,265mR3,067m82,3% Transfer to South African Library for the Blind R1m R-100% Total R87,692mR65,702mR21,990m74,9% Roll over applied for: R11, 850m
Variance explanations Building and other fixed structures: Modular libraries tender was delayed. It was ultimately awarded in February Delivery is taking place from May Renovations: There were projects that were cancelled by the implementing agent due to non-performance by the contractors. Works orders delayed to be issued due to non-registration of contractors and consultants into the Provincial database. Some contractors are slow due to cash-flow challenges. Construction of new libraries 4 New projects took off late due to issue of allocation of land and council resolution by the Municipalities. Contractor for Mdantsane library has been liquidated and a rescue contractor had to be appointed to finalise the project. 10
Variance explanations, cont. Compensation of employees Appointment of 48 librarians delayed as a result of recruitment processes and 90% of those posts have assumed duties in March Goods and Services Budget for goods & services was increased during adjustment period to accommodate payments of SITA for SLIMS configuration but they did not submit all invoices. 11
Trends in allocations 12 Economic classification2011/122012/13 Building and other fixed structures R32,211mR36,512m Goods and services R28,471mR27,698m Machinery and equipment R6,372mR5,150 Compensation of employees R12,920mR17,332 Transfer to South African Library for the Blind R1m TOTALS = R80,974R87,692m Annual Expenditure in % 80%74,9%
Constraints and Remedial actions 13 Constraint Remedial action Infrastructure COEGA had capacity challenges in implementing infrastructure projects. Dept. of Roads & Public Works award projects to service providers that have cash-flow challenges and have no tax clearance certificates. Tender was submitted to IBAC for approval (Independent Bid Award Committee). IBAC identified technicalities on functionality which forced the tender to be re-advertised. Award was done in February and service providers could not deliver before the end of the financial year. Infrastructure Alternative implementing agent (IDT) has been approached to implement some of our projects. Office of the Premier has introduced a unit to assist in monitoring progress in infrastructure projects and unlock bottle-necks. A person with technical skills will be employed by the department. To purchase modular libraries, the Department is planning to appoint a service provider and enter into a service level agreement.
Constraints and Remedial actions 14 Constraint Remedial action Compensation of employees Recruitment of conditional grant personnel is treated same as the departmental officials. Eleven public librarians and four library assistants have resigned as a result of condition of their employment (contractual). This impacts on under-spending and service delivery especially at public libraries as some of these libraries have to be closed again Compensation of employees Review the recruitment value chain specifically for conditional grant so as to improve the turn-around time in recruitment. Conditional grant staff should be appointed permanently to ensure sustenance and continuity.
Monitoring capacity 15 The Departmental Strategic Planning Management ensures that reporting is done according to plans (Business plan; Annual Performance Plan and Operational Plan). Reporting is done quarterly and annually. Departmental financial reports are analysed and sent to Provincial and National Treasuries. Monthly and quarterly reports are submitted to the Department of Arts & Culture and quarterly reviews workshops are held at national level. Community library conditional grant has a Provincial Co-ordinator who is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of conditional grant projects. Conditional grant has its administration with the manager; acquisition librarian and Admin. Officer.
Achievements 16 New Mount Ayliff Library has been completed. Mdantsane Library is at 92% complete as in April Since the inception of Grant in 2007/2008, out of 145 libraries in the province 84 libraries have been renovated; 9 container libraries and 11 modular libraries have been distributed to rural areas. 85 Libraries are connected to internet and and 60 are planned to be connected in the current financial year. 107 Jobs have been created by appointment of qualified staff at public libraries and provincial head office. Libraries that were closed are now operating in normal hours. People with visual disabilities have access to specialised information. Mini-libs have been established in 21 libraries in all 7 districts where special equipment for blind and semi-blind people is provided and they are assisted to access information.
Conclusion 17 The high priority in the Province is provision of library infrastructure but unfortunately it is not implemented at an acceptable pace. Infrastructure is too technical and it has to be outsourced to implementing agents. Libraries that were closed due to staff shortages are now operating and libraries are managed by qualified staff. Public libraries are equipped with ICT infrastructure and equipment which ensures that communities are able to access information to apply for jobs and projects for the learners.
18 Enkosi! Thank You! Dankie!