DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH By the end of the lesson you will be able to: 1.Name infectious diseases in an ELDC 2.Link diseases to development indicators 3.Relate improvement in diseases with falling birth rate and death rate. Health factors
Cause of Death 2004 DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH
There are five main geographical factors that help to determine the state of health of an area or country. CLIMATE WATER SUPPLY WEALTH NUTRITION REMOTENESS
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH CLIMATE Areas that are hot and wet encourage the spread of infectious diseases. They provide the ideal breeding conditions for the VECTOR- that is the host of the disease. Areas that are dry cause water supplies to be restricted and for people to congregate around the few supplies that are available, increasing the risk of contamination.
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH WATER SUPPLY In LEDC’s, there are on average 50% of people who lack access to adequate clean water supplies. This figure increases dramatically in rural areas. It is easier to pipe water in urban areas, and it gets to more people per km of pipe. Why?
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH WEALTH The richer countries can afford the four basics of good health- 1.A balanced diet 2.clean water supplies 3.good housing 4.effective health care services. Obviously, poorer countries can not afford these.
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH NUTRITION Nutritional problems come in two broad categories: Under- and Mal- nutrition. Under nutrition is not getting enough food of any kind. This retards physical growth and limits human potential. It is also called starvation! Malnutrition is not getting a balanced diet. The sufferer may not die of this, but has a limited amount of energy to work, and is more prone to other diseases.
DEVELOPMENT & HEALTH REMOTENESS Areas that are difficult to get to due to being mountainous or hard to traverse ( eg.deserts) or those that are physically a long way from the rest of the country, like Siberia, will of course get a raw deal when it comes to getting help. Getting there will be costly and add to the price of the aid being delivered. Supplies may take too long to get there or may be intercepted on the route.