The International Conference on Land and Agriculture New Delhi, India Jan 2014 Razan Zuayter Arab Group for the Protection of Nature APN Arab Network for food Sovereignty
Palestine: a case study
By % of the area of historic Palestine 0% of the surface water and less than 15% of the ground water in the West Bank Was left to indigenous Palestinians A story of land theft :Palestine
Current Situation in the West Bank Area A Area B Area C Natur al Reser ves 17.7 % 18. 4% 60.9%3%
Abu Ghneim Settlement Before After
Settlements (203) Bypass roads (Jews only). Apartheid wall (767 Km) Current Situation in the West Bank
3,000,000 Trees have been uprooted from the year 2000 up to this date Systematic Uprooting of Trees and livelihoods
Destruction of Agricultural lands
Destruction of Infrastructure
Targeting Animal Farms
The last harvest
The Million Tree Campaign Replanting 1,750,000 Trees
Planting despite oppression
Governments- Lacking sovereignty Double standards at the international level Aid & Funding Divided Arab civil society on the national,regional and international level Arab Spring Challenges
The regional level :_ Regional Integration (ANFS) Arab Network for food Sovereignty Way Forward
South - South Cooperation - Action not reaction - Unconditional funding -Common strategies common slogans Way Forward
The International level International Working group on Conflicts, wars & Occupation. Way Forward
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