Do you know about the Bible?


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Presentation transcript:

Do you know about the Bible? Q1: How many books are there in the Bible? There are 66 books. Q2: How many are there in the Old and New Testament? There are 39 books in OT and 27 books in NT. Q3: Which book is the middle book of the whole Bible? The book of Psalms. Q3: Which is the middle verse of the whole Bible? Psalms 118:8

God gave us His special book The Bible is its name Oh!

FISHERS OF MEN I will make you fishers of men, Fishers of men, fishers of men, I will make you fishers of men, If you follow Me. If you follow Me, if you follow Me, I will make you fishers of men, If you follow Me.

What does HALLELUJAH Means?? It means “Praise Jehovah” Or “Praise God”

Hallelujah To The Lamb Lord I stand in the midst of a multitude Of those from every tribe and tongue We are your people on earth Redeemed by your blood Rescued from death by your love

There are no words Good enough to thank you There are no words To express my praise But I will lift up my voice And sing from my heart With all of my strength

Hallelujah(x3) to the Lamb Hallelujah(x2) by the blood of Christ we stand Every tongue Every tribe Every people Every land Giving Glory Giving honour Giving praise unto the lamb of God

Lord we stand by grace in your presence Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb We are your children called by your name Humbly we bow and we pray

Release your power to work in us and through us Till we are changed to be more like you Then all the nations will see your glory revealed and worship you

Hallelujah(x3) to the Lamb Hallelujah(x2) by the blood of Christ we stand Every tongue Every tribe Every people Every land Giving Glory Giving honour Giving praise unto the lamb of God

Doxology D G D Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; D G D A D Praise Him, all creatures here below; D G D Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; D G D A D Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. G D A-M-E-N