Enhancing co-operation and promoting synergies among the Rio Conventions Montreal, 24 November 2005 Linda Siegele FIELD.


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Presentation transcript:

Enhancing co-operation and promoting synergies among the Rio Conventions Montreal, 24 November 2005 Linda Siegele FIELD

The Rio Conventions  UNFCCC (climate change)  CBD (biodiversity)  UNCCD (combating desertification)

Overview  WHY? - Rationale for co-operation  WHAT? - The nature of inter-linkages between the Conventions  WHO? - Levels at which co-operation takes place  HOW? - Managing co-operation  WHERE? - Way forward  Overarching question – WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT TO A CC NEGOTIATOR?

WHY co-operate and promote synergies among the Conventions?  The natural world covered by these Conventions is interlinked  Common objective – sustainable development of world resources  Linked approaches Avoid duplication & conflict Share lessons learned Fill knowledge & research gaps

WHAT are the inter-linkages?  Cross-cutting themes relevant to the Conventions: Capacity-building Technology transfer Research and monitoring Information exchange and outreach Reporting (promote complementarity) Financial resources oGEF funds NCSAs for the 3 Conventions oGEF to fund climate change adaptation projects

WHAT are the inter-linkages? (2)  Impact of climate change on biodiversity: Role of biodiversity in implementing UNFCCC and Kyoto protocol oLULUCF oCDM oAdaptation Kyoto Protocol (art. 2.1(a)(ii)) oAnnex I Parties to implement policies and measures to protect GHG sinks & reservoirs ‘taking account of their commitment under relevant IEAs’

WHAT are the inter-linkages? (3)  CBD technical report (October 2003): Inter-linkages biodiversity/climate change Advice on integrating biodiversity considerations in implementation of UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol oObserved and projected impacts oMitigation and adaptation options oApproaches for supporting planning, decision-making and public discussions oLessons learned from case-studies – harmonising mitigation and adaptation activities with biodiversity issues

WHAT are the inter-linkages? (4)  CBD AHTEG on Biodiversity & Climate Change: SBSTTA tasks AHTEG to address adaptation to climate change – February 2005 oAssess integration of biodiversity considerations in implementation of adaptation activities oAdvise on activities to address adaptation to climate change AHTEG meets in Helsinki, September 2005 Report of meeting and recommendations for further work to be presented at SBSTTA-11, Montreal, Nov- Dec 2005

WHO should co-operating?  International Co-ordination among convention bodies  National Collaboration among national focal points is key  Regional Reinforce and support the national perspective

HOW has this been managed so far?  FCCC/SBSTA/2001/2, para. 42(d) SBSTA endorses the creation of the Joint Liaison Group (JLG)  UNFCCC Decision 13/CP.8 (2002) Affirms the need for enhanced co-operation Requests the SBSTA (UNFCCC) to work with the SBSTTA (CBD), and CST (UNCCD)

HOW has this been managed so far? (2)  Rio Conventions ask JLG to explore options for further co-operation January 2004 – 5 th JLG meeting – secretariats agree to prepare joint paper JLG paper (FCCC/SBSTA/2004/INF.19) presented at COP-10/SBSTA-21 October 2005 JLG approves paper SBSTA-23 to receive finalised paper for comment

WHERE does the JLG paper lead?  Options and modalities for further collaboration between the Conventions: Collaboration among National Focal Points Collaboration of Secretariats and Convention bodies Co-operation on climate change impacts, adaptation, mitigation, land degradation and sustainable use of biodiversity

WHERE does the JLG paper lead? (2)  Tools for enhancing collaboration: Wider use of ecosystem approach Training and capacity-building Case-studies on inter-linkages between mitigation/adaptation activities and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use Pilot projects promoting synergies at nat’l level Methodologies and tools that cut across Conventions

WHERE is co-operation discussed on the COP11/MOP 1/SB agendas?  SBSTA-23 Item 11(b) Co-operation with other conventions, scientific organizations and United Nations bodies SBSTA Parties will be asked to prepare comments on JLG paper by SBSTA-24  SBI-23 Item 10(b) Matters relating to least developed countries Paper on Synergy among MEA’s in the context of NAPAs (FCCC/TP/2005/3)

WHERE do we go from here? - CHALLENGES  Co-ordination is resource intensive  Conventions have individual legal status with Competing mandates Priorities Political interest Capacity  Existing knowledge gaps require further analysis

WHAT RELEVANCE TO ME?  An ongoing issue for future negotiations  Co-operation at the national/local level brings tangible benefits and you have access  As national focal points or w/access to them Promote co-operation that is needed at the COP/MOP/SB Take the message back to your and the other Convention national focal points

PRACTICAL OPPORTUNITY INFORMAL JOINT MEETING & RECEPTION OF SBSTA-23 & SBSTTA November 2005, 7:30 PM International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 999 University (corner of St Antoine) Hosted by Environment Canada