Goals 1. Understand the general lighting problem 2. Review the classic lighting equation
The lighting equation
Approximating the equation The general problem is intractable We must construct approximate models Models for light sources and for materials (reflection) Multiple light sources are used simultaneously Each light’s contribution calculated in isolation Multiple models are used simultaneously Each model handles just one aspect of light transfer Apply all models to all lights Add the results to combine them
The classic reflection models Have been used for many years Lambert’s diffuse lighting model: I=NL Non-reflective: no change with location of the viewer Phong’s specular lighting model: I=(RV) P R=2(NL)N - L Reflective: changes as the viewer changes location Specular model tends to be optional I=observed light intensity L=direction to the light N=surface normal V=direction to the viewer R=reflection vector P=specular power L, N, V, R are normalized
The classic light source models Each model returns: How much light is received (RGB light intensity) The L, used by the reflection model Ambient light is just a constant RGB Models light coming from everywhere (white noise) Reflection model not applied (there’s no L) Directional light has a constant RGB and L Models the sun – light coming from very far away Point and spot light use formulas for RGB and L
D3D lights typedef struct _D3DLIGHT9 { D3DLIGHTTYPE Type; /* Type of light source */ D3DCOLORVALUE Diffuse; /* Diffuse color of light */ D3DCOLORVALUE Specular; /* Specular color of light */ D3DCOLORVALUE Ambient; /* Ambient color of light */ D3DVECTOR Position; /* Position in world space */ D3DVECTOR Direction; /* Direction in world space */ float Range; /* Cutoff range */ float Falloff; /* Falloff */ float Attenuation0; /* Constant attenuation */ float Attenuation1; /* Linear attenuation */ float Attenuation2; /* Quadratic attenuation */ float Theta; /* Inner angle of spotlight cone */ float Phi; /* Outer angle of spotlight cone */ } D3DLIGHT9;
Material properties The reflection models used are a material property The specular power is also a material property Coefficients are material properties, too Ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive Emissive is just added to the rest Part of the material is applied in the pixel shader The texture is just an ambient/diffuse coefficient! Specular (and emissive) are added there, too
D3D materials typedef struct _D3DMATERIAL9 { D3DCOLORVALUE Diffuse; /* Diffuse color RGBA */ D3DCOLORVALUE Ambient; /* Ambient color RGB */ D3DCOLORVALUE Specular; /* Specular 'shininess' */ D3DCOLORVALUE Emissive; /* Emissive color RGB */ float Power; /* Sharpness if specular highlight */ } D3DMATERIAL9; typedef enum _D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { D3DMCS_MATERIAL = 0, // Color from material is used D3DMCS_COLOR1 = 1, // Diffuse vertex color is used D3DMCS_COLOR2 = 2, // Specular vertex color is used D3DMCS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff, // force 32-bit size enum } D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE;
Implementation notes Many 3D accelerators since the late 90’s have included hardware to perform all of this D3D calls it the “fixed-function pipeline” It’s completely removed in D3D10 All of this must be done in shaders! More flexibility = more work