Covering Kids and Families Process Improvement Collaborative Pennsylvania Story Board Learning Session 2 Chattanooga
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania AIM Statement: Enhance customer service at the Helpline Take applications over the phone and submit them using the COMPASS web-based application. Track paper applications to assess time between mailing of the application and submission of the application to Medicaid or CHIP.
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania Test additional supports for Over the Phone applications –Letters to parents with follow up directions. –Develop a mechanism for collecting and sharing paper applications mailed to families in York County. –Track COMPASS and paper applications in one County Assistance Office. –Track outcomes of both paper and COMPASS applications.
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania Predictions –Not all families will complete the over the phone application in one call. –Families will have to be prompted to call back to complete the application. –Not all paper applications will be submitted. –Paper applications will take longer to be submitted than the online application.
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania Surprises –100 applications taken over the Phone Only 1 incomplete –Families have the information they need without knowing the option to apply is available. –Tracking the data is more work than expected.
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania Results –Beyond the data Helpline counselors gain enormous satisfaction from connecting families directly to coverage. The COMPASS application read verbatim is understandable to families. Literacy testing also makes it accessible in “alternative formats”. Small scale testing is a viable strategy in other settings. Data on the length of the phone call makes other over the phone options feasible.
March 30 - April 1, CKF PIC - Pennsylvania Paper applications mailed: 261 Paper applications never submitted: 134 Over the Phone applications taken: 100 Over the Phone applications never submitted: 1 Being able to document the advantage of applying over the phone: Priceless