Effective Time Management
Effective Time Management Why Is Time Management Important? Time is limited You need time to get what you want out of life You can accomplish more with less effort Too many choices
Effective Time Management Develop a more clear understanding of strategies for effective time management Develop a greater self-awareness of how you currently use your time Understand how learning styles impacts effective time management
The "Three Ps" of Effective Time Management Planning. Priorities. Procrastination.
Myth: Time can be managed. Ten Myths about Time Myth: Time can be managed. Myth: The longer or harder you work the more you accomplish. Myth: If you want something done right, do it yourself. Myth: You aren’t supposed to enjoy work. Myth: We should take pride in working hard.
Ten Myths about Time 5. Myth: You should try to do the most in the least amount of time. 6. Myth: Technology will help you do it better, faster. 7. Myth: Do one thing at a time. 8. Myth: Handle paper only once. 9. Myth: Get more done and you’ll be happier.
Making the Best Use of Time Decide that you don’t have to please everyone. Let go–don’t be a perfectionist. Resist the temptation to do small, insignificant tasks too well. Outsource what you can.
Why do we procrastinate? Don’t know where to start. To avoid an unpleasant task. We’re afraid to fail. Waiting for more information. You may think if you put it off someone else will do it. You’re over-committed.
We All Do IT! Putting off tasks for a later time is normal, but if it becomes a stressor, we end up wasting a lot of valuable time and energy!
How to Beat Procrastination 1. Recognize when you are Procrastinating Become aware of your favorite procrastination tactics and learn to catch yourself as soon as you start to wander off. 2. Break Inertia Do small things to get yourself started! (e.g., write the first sentence of your term paper). *the freight train
How to Beat Procrastination 3. Divide project into small manageable pieces Take one step at a time. Mae use of small chunks of time. Writing a few lines now may inspire you to do more later 4. Set reachable sub-goals that are specific Saying “read 20 pages of Chapter 5 by 8pm” sounds better than saying “do some studying later.” This helps to gain a sense of accomplishment.
How to Beat Procrastination 5.Don’t sabotage yourself Set up your environment with as few distractions as possible. Arrange your work space the way you like it and work at times when you have peak energy. 6. Reward non-procrastinating behavior You’ve finally made a dent in that paper you have been putting off. Give yourself a little reward. 7. Enjoy Your FREEDOM When you complete an unpleasant task, take time and feel how nice it is to have it over and done with
Renew yourself regularly
Prioritize, and do the most important things first.
Define your mission and goals in life. Concentrate on Results not on being busy Define your mission and goals in life.
Prioritize, and do the most important things first.
Define your mission and goals in life.
“Change is Universal… Change is Permanent…. Be ever willing to Change… “Change is Universal… Change is Permanent…. Be ever willing to Change….. For, change alone leads you to success and happiness!!!”
Advantages of Time Management Gain Time Motivates and Initiates Reduces Avoidance Promotes Review Eliminates Cramming Reduces Anxiety Dartmouth College Academic
Pareto’s Principle (80/20 Rule) 80% of Work gives 20% Results & 20% of Work gives 80% Results One Rs.500/- v/s Hundred Rs.5/- Effective v/s Efficient Smart work v/s Hard work
I II III IV Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix Urgent Not Urgent . Crisis . Pressing problems . Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations . Preparation . Prevention . Values clarification . Planning . Relationship building . True re-creation . Empowerment Important III IV . Interruptions, some phone calls . Some mail, some reports . Some meetings . Many proximate, pressing matters . Many popular activities . Trivia, busywork . Some phone calls . Time wasters . “Escape” activities . Irrelevant mail . Excessive TV Not Important
Quadrant I Represents things that are both “urgent” and “important” – we need to spend time here This is where we manage, we produce, where we bring our experience and judgment to bear in responding to many needs and challenges. Many important activities become urgent through procrastination, or because we don’t do enough prevention and planning
Quadrant II Includes activities that are “important, but not urgent”- Quadrant of Quality Here’s where we do our long-range planning, anticipate and prevent problems, empower others, broaden our minds and increase our skills Ignoring this Quadrant feeds and enlarges Quadrant I, creating stress, burnout, and deeper crises for the person consumed by it Investing in this Quadrant shrinks Quadrant I
Quadrant III Includes things that are “urgent, but not important” - Quadrant of Deception. The noise of urgency creates the illusion of importance. Actual activities, if they’re important at all, are important to someone else. Many phone calls, meetings and drop-in visitors fall into this category
Quadrant IV Reserved for activities that are “not urgent, not important”- Quadrant of Waste We often “escape” to Quadrant IV for survival Reading addictive novels, watching mindless television shows, or gossiping at office would qualify as Quadrant IV time-wasters
Is it bad to be in Quadrant I? Are you in Quadrant I because of the urgency or the importance? If urgency dominates, when importance fades, you’ll slip into Quadrant III. But if you’re in Quadrant I because of importance, when urgency fades you’ll move to Quadrant II.
What is the problem with urgency? Urgency itself is not the problem… When urgency is the dominant factor in our lives, importance isn’t What we regard as “first things” are urgent things
Where do I get time to spend in Quadrant II? From Quadrant III Time spent in Quadrant I is both urgent and important- we already know we need to be there We know we shouldn’t be there in Quadrant IV But Quadrant III can fool us
MINOR TIME WASTERS Interruptions we face during the day Being a slave on the telephone Unexpected/Unwanted visitors Needless reports/Junk mail Meetings without agenda
MAJOR TIME WASTERS Procrastination Afraid to Delegate Not Wanting to Say "NO" Low Self-Esteem Problems With Objectives/Priorities
WHAT CAN STOP YOU? Negative Thoughts Negative People Low Self-Esteem Fear of Failure Fear of Rejection / Criticism
ACTION PLAN Enter the RISK ZONE Communicate & Clarify Values Analyse your use of TIME - "80/20“ Do not “REACT” to Urgency Deal with One Paper only Once
ACTION PLAN Allocate time according to Priorities (Quiet Hour, Session I,II,III,IV) "TO DO LIST“ (Top 3 Priorities today) Have a Follow through Learn to say two letter word - "NO" Visualization and Auto-Suggestion Delegate low Priority Item
"SMART" GOALS S - Specific & Self M - Measurable A - Achievable & Positive R - Realistic & Rewarding T - Time Bound
Step 1 – Define your Role Step 2 – Set your Monthly Goal Step 3 – Schedule your Weekly Time Step 4 – Adopt it Daily - 80/20 Step 5 – Act on it, Now!