Educator’s Toolkit: Creating Internet Based Activities Instructor: Cheryl Rabinowitz Instructional Technology Coordinator
What is a Hotlist? A hotlist is a list of Internet sites that students will find most useful for research. These Internet sites have been selected and previewed by the teacher before students view them. (Doing this will save your students hours of aimless searching. It's a much more efficient process to create a Webpage that collects the locations in a Hotlist.) Minimum- 3 huge websites (Each site having between 5-20 links) Instructional Goal- is to provide learners with a wide range of resources for research information
Scavenger Hunt (Treasure hunt, knowledge hunt) Scavenger hunts can be as simple or involved as circumstances dictate. Younger students may be provided with only a few questions, along with the links or URLs necessary for finding the answers, while older students may be given only a broad topic and asked to find their own sources for obtaining necessary information. Internet scavenger hunts are a way for students to practice problem solving, improve their reading and comprehension skills, and learn how to search the Internet. Online scavenger hunts are easy to create and the resulting interactive searches are both fun and informative for students. The hunts can be geared to virtually any curriculum area, simultaneously providing students with technological and subject matter knowledge. Online scavenger hunts can be used as a whole class activity, as a team activity, or as a means of providing individual students with review or challenge activities.
What is a WebQuest? A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet. There are two levels of WebQuests: Short Term WebQuests – the instructional goal of a short term WebQuest is knowledge acquisition and integration. The learner will sift through new information and make sense of it. A short-term WebQuest is designed to be completed in one to three class periods. Longer Term WebQuests – The instructional goal of a longer term WebQuest is extending and refining knowledge. After completing a longer term WebQuest, a learner will have analyzed a body of knowledge deeply, transformed it in some way, and demonstrated understanding of the material by creating something that others can respond to. A longer term WebQuest will typically take between one week and a month in a classroom setting.
Now Lets Begin Click on Internet Explorer “The Catskill Central School District Website” should appear. Click on CES page. Scroll down Click on “Instructional Technology Program. (at the bottom of the page)