Scavenger Hunt! Look in the Syllabus for EDU 314
1. The ways to contact the instructor. 2. The web address of the course website!!! 6. The six expectations of the course and what each means. 5. Where to find the basic requirements for your ePortfolio? 4. The final product of the course? 3. Which page should be the most frequently hunted ;-) What if you miss a class?
8. The total amount of projects in this course. 9. The software we will use to make each of the projects. (Long one!) 11. Are there bonus points? How to get them? 10. The time when the class has “Eyes on screen, hands off mouse.” 13. What is an annotation? What are the policies? 12. The policies for due dates.
14. The meaning of “professional disposition” in this course (Fear caused by length= *****). 15. The amount of points you will lose for being absent, arriving late or leaving early. The levels of fear: [*]: A little scary. [**]: Quite scary. [***]: Very scary. [****]: Causes crippling fear. [*****]: Somehow, “Crippling fear” just doesn’t cut it… 16. The components required in your final ePortfolio (Even more unimaginably long).