Thurs. 1/31 John Quincy Adams was a Congressman after he was President of the United States. He stated, “If slavery must go by blood and war, let war come.” Answer the following : 1.What do you think he meant by that statement? 2.Do you think he was in favor of slavery or against slavery?
Slavery is...
Cotton is...
Wednesday, 1/30 Hand-in any signed paperwork or assignments in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please pick-up a blue warm-up/closer worksheet from the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Get your notes out from yesterday.
Wednesday, 1/30 Using your notes on land acquisitions answer the following on your warm-up sheet: What kind of problems might be expected after increasing the size of the United States?
Closer Wed., 1/30 If you were to describe to someone who knows nothing about slavery in America before the Civil War, what would you say? Be detailed and descriptive!
Quilt Square Presentations, cont. Please pick-up a red Unit Learning Map from the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Hand-in any signed paperwork or assignments in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Tuesday, 1/29
Quilt Square Presentations On a blank piece of paper make two columns with the following headings: Name A Way to Remember Monday, 1/28: Hand-in signed paperwork in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk and your Map/Questions from Friday if not already checked!
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Monday, 1/28 – 4 th period only Write a letter to Mrs. Parker and Ms. G telling us how your new classes are going. Consider the following: –What do you like about your new classes? –What are you concerned about with your new classes?
Friday, 1/25/13 Please drop off the signed parent letter and Textbook Chronology in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please pick-up a blank sheet of paper in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk.
Mental Mapping With your partner, draw a map of the United States. Include as many detail, such as: –States –Landforms –Bodies of Water What does the USA look like????
Map for Notebook – The Real Deal! Use the maps on page of the atlas ( The Nystrom Atlas of Our Country ). We will check for the maps to be completed by the end of the period. The questions can be answered for homework. What does the USA look like????
Friday, 1/25 – 1 st /3 rd periods only Write a letter to Mrs. Parker and Ms. G telling us how your new classes are going. Consider the following: –What do you like about your new classes? –What are you concerned about with your new classes?
Thursday, 1/24 (Period 4) Please find your new seat. Then... Please drop off the signed parent letter in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please pick-up a Textbook Scavenger Hunt in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Using your textbook, begin answering the questions on the Textbook Scavenger Hunt.
Thursday, 1/24 (Periods 1 & 3) Please return to your seat from yesterday. Please drop off the signed parent letter in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please pick-up a Textbook Scavenger Hunt in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Using your textbook, begin answering the questions on the Textbook Scavenger Hunt.
Wednesday, 1/23 Please find your desk and have a seat. Have a pen or pencil ready to complete the student survey on your desk.
Wednesday, 1/23 Write your name inside the front cover of your textbook.
Why Study History?