Experiments Scientific Method Scientific Method 2 Variables Questioning
QUESTION: What is the first step to the scientific method? ANSWER: Scientific Question
QUESTION: What is it called when you write the steps to your scientific experiment? ANSWER: Procedure
QUESTION: I think Pepsi will have the most bubbles because when I fill my cup at home there is a lot of foam. What is this an example of? ANSWER: Hypothesis
QUESTION: What is the 3 rd step in the scientific method? ANSWER: Create a list of materials
QUESTION: What is an organized procedure where you study things under certain conditions? ANSWER: Perform an experiment
QUESTION: What do you do during an experiment? (hint: you use a table) ANSWER: Collect Data
QUESTION: What is the definition of hypothesis? ANSWER: Testable idea to be able to perform an experiment.
QUESTION: What do you do after you collect data before writing the conclusion? ANSWER: Analyze Data
QUESTION: What do you write at the end of the scientific method to see if your hypothesis was correct? ANSWER: Conclusion
QUESTION: What is another way to say “share data?” ANSWER: Communicate Results
QUESTION: Anything that changes in an experiment. ANSWER: Variable
QUESTION: The Variable that you change on purpose. ANSWER: Independent Variable
QUESTION: The variable that changes because you changed another variable. ANSWER: Dependent Variable
QUESTION: Which brand of pepperoni pizza has the most pepperonis? Name the Independent Variable. ANSWER: Brand of Pizza
QUESTION: Which type of kite will fly the highest? Name the dependent variable. ANSWER: How high the kite will fly.
QUESTION: What makes a good scientific question? ANSWER: Answers will vary.
QUESTION: What is the best tv? Good or bad question? ANSWER: Bad Question
QUESTION: Which brand of paper is the sturdiest? Good or bad question? ANSWER: Good Question
QUESTION: How can you keep ice frozen? This is a bad question, make it a better question. ANSWER: Answers will vary. Could be Which is the best way to keep ice frozen? Freezer or Cooler?
QUESTION: Come up with your own scientific question. ANSWER: Answers will vary.
QUESTION: What is the 5 th step in the scientific method? ANSWER: Perform Experiment
QUESTION: Spongebob wants to make Gary smarter by feeding him snail snacks. The rest of the neighbors want their snails to be smart so they are going to try this test too. The snails take a test before and after eating the snacks. Looking at the table, did the snacks work? ANSWER: No because the results were not consistent. SnailBeforeAfter Gary64%80% Larry78% Barry82%84% Terry72%70%
QUESTION: Tell me what is wrong with this experiment. I am testing to see which ice cream will melt faster. I put vanilla ice cream in the fridge and mint ice cream in the garage. ANSWER: Either use the same ice cream in different spots or different ice cream in the same spot.
QUESTION: Patrick wanted to see which detergent works best to clean his pants. He used clean-o detergent and super clean. He washed the pants three times with each detergent, getting them dirty in between. What was Patrick’s problem he was investigating? ANSWER: How to get his pants clean with the best detergent.
QUESTION: Squidward believes that playing his clarinet, it will attract more jellyfish. He played the song for 5 minutes with a variety of instruments. Then he counted the jellyfish. Look at his results and tell me what his conclusion should be? ANSWER: If you find the average then you will find out that Squidward found out that it was equal amount of Jellyfish for both clarinet and guitar. TrialNo musicClarinetFluteGuitar