#ElfCampfire Please wait…. The elves will be with you shortly
#ElfCampfire Getting started with the National Elf Service
A warm welcome! #ElfCampfire nationalelfservice.net/campfir es/
1.Introductions 2.Why did we start the National Elf Service? 3.What elves will we be adding over the coming months? 4.Website demonstration
Introduce yourself: Your role Your place of work
47% of press releases & 40% of abstracts contain spin 1 31% of press releases misinterpret trial results % of clinical questions go unanswered 2 1. Yavchitz A, Boutron I, Bafeta A, Marroun I, Charles P, et al. (2012) Misrepresentation of Randomized Controlled Trials in Press Releases and News Coverage: A Cohort Study. PLoS Med 9(9) 2. Badenoch D, De Brún C. (2011) Where’s the Evidence for Evidence? Why build a National Elf Service?
Aren’t they doing it already? NO! Meta-databases (e.g. NHS Evidence) Evidence databases (e.g. Cochrane Library) Evidence syntheses (e.g. Dynamed) Accessible Usable Evidence-based Current Relevant
Aren’t they doing it already? NO! Meta-databases (e.g. NHS Evidence) Evidence databases (e.g. Cochrane Library) Evidence syntheses (e.g. Dynamed) AccessibleXXX UsableXX ✔ Evidence-based ✔✔✔ Current ✔ XX Relevant ✔ X ✔
The quantity of high quality health research continues to increase Professionals still struggle to access evidence and stay up to date Initiatives aimed at solving the problem have failed so far Badenoch D, Tomlin A. (2015) Keeping up to date with reliable mental health research: National Elf Service white paper. Minervation Ltd, Oxford. An avalanche of health research
What is the National Elf Service?
Keep up to date with research Connect with experts & colleagues Track their learning Make use of evidence in practice We help health and social care professionals:
Engaging with Evidence In the past, evidence was something that we did to professionals With the National Elf Service, evidence is something professionals can engage with
Elf topics 1.Mental Health 2.Learning Disabilities 3.Social Care 4.Dental 5.Musculoskeletal 6.Commissioning 7.Child Health 8.Lifestyle 9.Diabetes 10.Stroke May 2015 June 2015 August 2015 October 2015 January 2016
Any questions before we start the website demo? Don’t forget to tweet! #ElfCampfire nationalelfservice.net/campfir es/