Oct Monolithic pixel detector Update One chip combining both sensor and read-out – source of ionization e- : epitaxial layer of chip – e- collected by a n-well – elegant, thin solution, or detector of the far future? Progress on four known problems
Oct Problem # 1 fillFactory.com manufactures optical pixel-sensors with collection from epitaxial layer (US patent) n-well to collect ionisation e- restricts transistors to n-MOS makes it difficult to have on pixel electronics, amplifiers etc.
Oct Possible Solution to Problem #1 ISU engineers, add n-wells to house p-MOS transistors p+ layer keeps potential minimum for ionization electrons to diffuse to collection n-well foundry issues? simulation? n+ p-MOS n-MOS
Oct Problem #2 Quality of Silicon, Thickness epi-layer LEPSI group used Austrian Mikro Systeme –17 micron epi-layer »1000 e- STAR reproduced LEPSI work, used MOSES –8 micron epi-layer Still an unresolved issue
Oct Problem #3: Existing Monolithic Slow Current monolithic pixel detector (LEPSI) had one ADC per chip –very slow Two designs being worked on by ISU engineers –copy circuit from active imaging devices »on each pixel, free-running pre-amplifier »sample-hold preamplifier output upon a Lvl1 signal »on each column, 3-4 bit flash ADC. (~1000 ADCs) »access sample/hold from each pixel and digitize u 50~100 pixels per column »timing being developed –copy NA60 readout electronics per pixel »on each pixel, amplifier, discriminator, buffer
Oct Problem #4 Mixed Analog/Digital If we use discriminator and buffer on each pixel, possible digital noise corruption on analog signal –could use RHIC clock signal »no digital activity during first 20 ns after collision If we use sample/hold on each pixel –no digital circuitry per pixel –digital circuitry at base of column
Oct Iowa State R&D R&D project Electrical Engineering Profs/students at ISU –working on epitaxial layer, doping and foundry issues –laying out pixel electronics »on-pixel amplifier/sample-hold. Column ADC »on-pixel discriminator/pipeline from NA60 Goal is to have first design finished by Christmas –simulate –iterate –submit prototype in Spring 2002