By danielle durham
Big They swim There different color They have no bones Octopus live in dens among the rocks on the sea bottom Octopus also live in caves Octpus are near the beach They sleep in big caves They can grow very big habitat
Food They eat fish crabs and clams They crawl on the sea floor looking for food They hunt in the daylight They recognize food in the dark by tasting with there suckers When the octopus finds a meal such as a clam it grips the shell with it suckers and pulls it apart
Octopus generally do not live more then one or two year The giant pacific octopus live loger then most octopus species Males live about four years and females about three five years How my animal survives in the wild
Interesting facts Both mantie opening and funnel are visible below the eye of the octopus in the photograph Octopus have black ink if you have a octopus make sure its had is up have time Octopus can jet through the water with their funnle but the usually crawl on the sea floor looking for food using their tentacles like legs. It extends it’s fins and glides like a flying squirrel. Sometimes it lands on the deck of a boat.
Glossary Tentacles- their legs