Online Catalog Workshop Title Searches on the College of DuPage Library Online Catalog Connie Rogers, LIS 764, Fall
2 o From the Library Home Page, go to the section C.O.D. Library Catalog Search o Go to Titles in the Search drop down box o Type in the title o Click GO
3 o C.O.D. Library has your book! o Check the record. You will find the department location, call number and if it is in.
4 o You need another title.
5 o The C.O.D. Library does not have your book. o There is another option! o Click on LINKin to find this book in another library.
6 o LINKin will search at C.O.D. partner libraries.
7 o Three LINKin libraries have this book.
8 o Select College of DuPage from the drop down box. o Request the book.
9 o Enter your name and bar code number from your library card. o Your book will be delivered to College of DuPage Library in 3-4 days.
If you cannot find your book through LINKin, talk to a Librarian. The Librarian can get item for you through interlibrary loan 10