Effect of Low-Temperature Carburization on Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Frank Ernst, Case Western Reserve University, DMR (a) Cr:Fe Ratio Depth (nm) XPS composition depth profiles were performed on three carburized 316L stainless steel specimens polarized in 0.6 M NaCl solutions at different potentials. The XPS profiles were used to determine the Cr 2 O 3 -rich passive layer thickness. It varied from 2.3 to 2.6 nm. The composition of the passive layers is Fe-rich at the free surface (the former oxide/solution interface), but Cr-rich near the bulk metal (the oxide/metal interface). This observation is of great importance for understanding the vastly improved corrosion resistance of low-temperature carburized austenitic stainless steel. Polarization Passive Layer Potential Thickness
Effect of Low-Temperature Carburization on Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Frank Ernst, Case Western Reserve University, DMR Acquired in February, 2008, the PHI VersaProbe has been utilized by over 80 different researchers: 43 CWRU campus users 32 industrial clients 8 academic users from outside institutions Campus users include faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students from 9 different departments. The primary goals for these researchers were basic information about the fundamental properties of materials. Industrial clients have spanned a wide range of companies and address basic research, product development and failure analysis as primary goals for XPS analysis Outside academic use included regional universities, (University of Akron, Kent State University, Michigan State University), the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, University of Cambridge, and national laboratories (NASA Glenn and Oak Ridge)
Statistics on CWRU’s Use of the PHI VersaProbe Frank Ernst, Case Western Reserve University, DMR Acquired in February, 2008, the PHI VersaProbe has been utilized by over 80 different researchers: 43 CWRU campus users 32 industrial clients 8 academic users from outside institutions Campus users include faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students from 9 different departments. The primary goals for these researchers were basic information about the fundamental properties of materials. Industrial clients have spanned a wide range of companies and address basic research, product development and failure analysis as primary goals for XPS analysis Outside academic use included regional universities, (University of Akron, Kent State University, Michigan State University), the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, University of Cambridge, and national laboratories (NASA Glenn and Oak Ridge)