Using one or more of your senses to gather information about an object or your surroundings. What are the senses we use in science class? Sight Touch Hearing Smell We do not use TASTE unless instructed by the teacher.
We call that evidence or data. This is recorded as notes in a table or chart. All observations should be made accurately and objectively. No Opinions! Example: The room is cold. This is not objective because it might not be to someone else. Example: The room is 65 degrees. This is accurate and based on facts not opinions.
Qualitative Quantitative
The observer uses their senses to identify characteristics when making a qualitative observation. They describe the QUALITY of an object. Example: Sandpaper feels rough but computer paper feels smooth. Example: Sulfur smells like rotten eggs.
What word shares the same root word as quantitative? QUANTITY = numbers or amounts. Observations using numbers or identifying amounts will be classified as quantitative observations. Example: There are lots of students absent from class. This is NOT quantitative. Example: There are five (5) students absent from class. This IS quantitative because it uses numbers. If you can count or measure by standards of units this observation is always quantitative.
Look at the next slide for 30 seconds
Write down all of the objects you see.