CE310 Children’s Literacy Unit 8 Teaching the Mechanics of Writing
Agenda Announcements/Reminders Unit 7 Review Learning Outcomes Unit 8 Assignments The Mechanics of Writing Spelling Grammar Capitalization/Punctuation & Spelling Seminar Review Questions
Announcements Register for next Term Academic Advising at 866-522-7747 Writing Center Events Missing Assignments Preview Unit 9 Project
Unit 7 Review-Teaching Writing Essentials of Teaching Writing Preparing the Classroom Environment Writing Workshop The Explicit Teaching of Writing THINK! What are important factors and issues to consider in creating a writing environment and motivating students to write?
Unit 8 Learning Outcomes Identify the components of good mechanics in writing including grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and handwriting Understand how children learn to spell and identify strategies for facilitating good spelling Examine effective strategies for teaching writing mechanics
Unit 8 Assignments Readings Read Chapter 11 “Teaching the Mechanical Skills of Writing” in your e-book (Teaching Language and Literacy). Complete the unit 8 Study Guide and submit through the dropbox. Activities View videos (3) Discussion Question on writing mechanics Graded Review Seminar: Option #1 or Option #2
What’s Going On Here??!! If u giv a pg a partee shs going to ask for sum blloons wen u giv her the blluns shell want to dekrate the hawswen shes finisched shllputonher favrit dress then shell cawl allher frenzto invytethemtoothe pardee From If You Give a Pig a Party by Laura Numeroff, Scholastic, Inc., 2005.
The Mechanics of Writing Spelling, grammar, capitalization/punctuation and handwriting are must be addressed Best taught through direct instruction, practiced and used within the context of authentic writing experiences Often embedded in the Writing Workshop May be taught in isolated lessons Observe students’ needs—what mechanics are weak and need more focus? Give students opportunities to use, apply and improve mechanics within their own writing
Spelling Spelling development is critical for reading and writing Skill in spelling helps students to read and write better….why? Stages of Spelling Prephonemic Early phonemic Letter-name Transitional (invented) Correct/Conventional Spelling Field Trip! Some examples of Early Spelling at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axddih26SYo
Becoming Better Spellers How can we help children become better spellers? Explicit instruction Teach letter names/sounds Teach concept of a word Practice breaking word into parts and how to represent parts with letters Teach about spaces in between words Elkonin boxes Good spellers tend to be better readers and students who read frequently tend to be better spellers. Why? Spelling instruction needs to be individualized Self-selection Student ownership Self-monitoring Collaboration feedback Elkonin Box
Field Trip! Teaching Spelling Some Fun Ways to Practice Spelling Words at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMpv7A5j_b4 THINK! What are some other ways to make spelling practice interactive and fun?
Grammar Children internalize grammatical rules through exposure and understand their native language’s basic structure by age 6 Traditional methods of grammar instruction include drills Like spelling, grammar must also be explicitly taught Constructivist perspective: teach grammar in meaningful, “real-life” applications—in everyday experiences Use Writing Workshop to teach grammar/spelling
Capitalization/Punctuation & Handwriting Teach capitalization/punctuation in the context of students’ own writing Use “Editing Checklists” to help delegate responsibility to students Review rules/usage during editing conferences Use students’ work and district curriculum to guide instruction Explicit instruction in letter formation can improve students’ handwriting Styles: Cursive and Manuscript Instruction in handwriting should include; Daily lessons with explicit instruction Opportunities to practice correct forms Teacher modeling (in primary grades) Visual memory techniques (numbered arrows)
Sample Editing Checklist
Field Trip! Handwriting Teacher Tips for Teaching Handwriting from Teachnology.com at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaKhhejejS8&feature=related THINK! Why is it so important to teach specific handwriting foundations and skills?
Review-Seminar Questions What is the connection between learning the mechanics of writing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.) and improving reading? How does learning how to spell help with reading and vice-versa? Why is it necessary to use both the writing workshop method and specific isolated lessons on the mechanics of writing to best support the development of writing? How can teachers help children form letters correctly?
Constructivist Approach to Mechanical Skills (see p. 335 “Trade Secret 11.2”) Children form their own understanding based on interactive experiences and exploration Jean Piaget introduced with perspective on the value of play and children’s interactions with world around them (also Vygotsky, Montessori, Bruner and others) Teacher as facilitator Individualized instruction Value of collaboration, peer tutoring
Review: Seminar Question In your own experience, what are some of the more challenging aspects of writing? What skills have you seen children struggle with most and how do you support them?