Maths Level 1 Week 1, Day 1 Morning
Today! Morning: – Starter: 12 days of Christmas – Tutorial: Understanding & using whole numbers and negative numbers in practical contexts – Break – Tutorial continued – Extension activity: worksheets, if time
This Afternoon Starter: Your number’s up card game Practise exam paper Last half hour: Maths game - Countdown
Starter 12 Days of Christmas
12 Days of Christmas Puzzle According to the traditional song, on the first day of Christmas (25th December), my true love sent to me: A partridge in a pair tree On the second day of Christmas (26th December), my true love sent to me THREE presents: Two turtle doves A partridge in a pear tree On the third day of Christmas (27th December and so on) my true love sent to me SIX presents: Three French hens Two turtle doves A partridge in a pear tree
This carries on until the twelfth day of Christmas, when my true love sends me: Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping, Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming, Six geese a- laying, Five gold rings, Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle doves, and A partridge in a pear tree After the twelve days of Christmas are over, how many presents has my true love sent me altogether?
Answer = 364 presents Which is really interesting when you think there are 365 days in a typical year!
Understanding & Using Whole Numbers & Negative Numbers in Practical Contexts
Examples Underline the hundreds digit in the following and write out the full amount in words. e.g. 71,642 Seventy one thousand, six hundred and forty two _______________________________________ 523 _______________________________________ 23,312 _______________________________________
Examples Insert symbols in the following: a)145 ___ 23 b)894 ___ 541 c) 1298 ___ 699 d) 534,000 ___ 453,000 e) 12 ___ 98 f) 211 ___ 494 g) 16,044 ___ 16,404 h) 94,000 ___ 128,000 i) 17,412 ___ 32,941 j) 1,090,000 ___ 1,009,000 k) 70,000 ___ 700,000 l) 860,000 ___ 806,000
Examples Which of the following numbers are negative? a)3 b)+2 c)-6 d)-2.1 e)7 f)-58
Graph Questions 1) On which day was the temperature positive? 2) By how many degrees did the temperature rise between Tuesday and Wednesday? 3) What happened to the temperature between Wednesday and Saturday? 4) On which 2 days was the temperature the same? 5) Why are all the temperatures but one, below 0°C? 6) On which day was the temperature the coldest?
Chart Questions 1.Which date had the lowest temperature? 2.Which date had the highest temperature? 3.On which dates was the temperature below zero? 4.What do negative numbers mean in temperatures? 5.How much did the temperature rise between the 8th and the 9th? 6.On which dates was the temperature higher than zero? 7.What was the temperature on the 13th?
Maths Level 1 Week 1, Day 1 Afternoon
This Afternoon Starter: Your number’s up card game Practise exam paper Last half hour: Maths game - Countdown
Starter Your number’s up card game
Your number’s up... rules Addition game: – Place one game board with the “addition” side facing up – Shuffle the cards and deal each player seven cards – Place the spare cards by the side of the board – The youngest player starts and play goes clockwise – The first player places a card on any of the 3 positions – The next player places a card on either of the remaining two positions – The next player must try to complete the sum – A player who completes the sum takes the card as a “trick” and restarts the next sum – The game ends when a player is the first to place their last card or all spare cards have been taken
Wild Card A player placing a Wild card must declare its value when playing the card If a player cannot go but has a Wild card they must play it If a player cannot go they must pick up a card from the spare pile and play passes to the next player A card that has been picked up cannot be played until it is the player’s next turn
Scoring At the end of each game, each player counts up his/her points Each trick counts as 5 points The player who finishes first also scores an extra 10 points Any players having cards left at the end of the game should count up the number of cards (not the value) they have left and subtract this number from their score
Subtraction game Do the same as for the addition game, but have the “subtraction” side of the game board facing up
Last Half Hour Maths game Countdown!