将要 We will… What will we do this lesson? be going to.


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Presentation transcript:

将要 We will… What will we do this lesson? be going to

China Let’s guess 根据提示猜国家


UK (英国)

US (美国)

France (法国)

Australia (澳大利亚) Australian

If you have a lot of money, Which country will you go? I’ll go to … I will =

We need to find out ( 发现,查明 ) about the country. How can you find out about a country? …

Let’s watch Q2:What will they do? Q1:What’s the interesting country? They also want to find out about a country.

The children will ___________________next week. They want to _________about______________ before the lessons. this country find out learn about Australia

How? Read and judge 1. 默读 58 页,用铅笔划出关键词句。 2. 完成 60 页 True or false 。

True or false 1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia. 2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia. 3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia. 5.Australia is an interesting country. T I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photos.

True or false 1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia. 2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia. 3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia. 5.Australia is an interesting country. F T I’ll ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.

True or false 1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia. 2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia. 3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia. 5.Australia is an interesting country. F T F I’ll read about Australia on the Internet.

True or false 1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia. 2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia. 3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia. 5.Australia is an interesting country. F T T F I’ll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.

True or false 1.Mike wants to find some photos of Australia. 2.Wang Bing knows a woman from Australia. 3.Liu Tao has an e-friend in Australia. 4.Yang Ling will read books about Australia. 5.Australia is an interesting country. F T T T F

How? Let’s retell

At home, LiuTao is reading about Australia.

快速浏览 59 页短文,找出短文介绍了澳大利亚哪几个方面。 Animals ? ? ? City Sport What interesting things? Let’s find

Animals City Sport Let’s find 细读短文,用铅笔划出关键词或词组。 Read and underline

a kangaroo 袋鼠 a koala 考拉 animal

Australian football 澳 式橄榄球 exciting 令人兴奋的 Sport-lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting. A 运动员 B 运动爱好者 A B sport

Sydney 悉尼 ( 澳大利亚第一大城市 ) It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year. city

Melbourne 墨尔本 (第二大城市) Canberra 堪培拉 (澳大利亚首都)

I’ll ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photos. I’ll ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia. I’ll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia. I’ll read about Australia on the Internet. The children will learn about Australia next week. They want to find out about this country before the lesson. 朗读时注意语音语调哦! Let’s read

You will find many interesting things in Australia. Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport- lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting. You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year. People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today! At home, Liu Tao is reading about Australia.

1. 小组成 员分段朗 读。 2. 小组齐 读。 3. 跟一人 朗读。 Let’s read Choose one way to read the text. (四人小组任选一种方式朗读课文。)

What else can we know about a country? Let’s think weather food buildings others… clothes

Cities: ______, Melbourne. Weather: warm and sunny. Interesting animals :________ and _____. Interesting sport: __________________. Other: 516 parks for plants and animals. Sydney kangaroos koalas Australian football games Let’s write About Australia

Tips: 四人一组,合作介绍澳大利亚。一人负责总述部分,另三人 可以分别介绍其他方面。 Let’s report Australia is an interesting country. You will......(animals) Sport-lovers will......(sport) You will......(city) People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia! 四人一组,合作介绍澳大利亚。一人负责总述部分,另三 人可以分别介绍其他方面, 语言尽量更丰富哦!

1.Read the text fluently. 2.Try to introduce Australia with your partner. 3.Surf the Internet, try to know more about Australia. Homework