Imbi Eesmets Member of the Board THK February 2016 Personal Alarm Button Service for Elderly People in Tallinn
Who Need Help Elderly people, living alone Everyday accidents at home Fell down, helpless situation in bathroom, sudden need for medical assistance etc Feel alone and helpless – what if I.. Psychological support for themselves and their relatives Quick help from emergency service, relatives or social workers team
How Does it Work The base unit 2-way loud speaker Works via telephone connection Direct talk to call center HelpLine operator Button to press Pendant or wrist Waterproof
How to get Help Press the button Tell your problem via 2-ways speech link If silence – medical emergency is alarmed Response from HelpLine HelpLine operator start contacting with emergency and/or contact persons and/or service provider team
Service Model – Counterparts: Tallinn Social and Welfare Departement Client Client contact person Social homecare workers (8 City Districts) Tallinna Hoolekande Keskus (mobile social team with keys 24/7) Call center /Tallinna Kiirabi Kõnekeskus Telegrupp AS (technical support)
Social Service Model - Client Providing information about service Personal data gathering (addresses, phone numbers, health state, st special) Data sharing between service providers Contract and installing the alarm set Included giving away set of keys– in safe place, with code combination etc
Call Registration Sheet Every call is registred, 3copies, includes Timeline (receaving a call, arriving-leaving of social team) What happened (short description) What kind of help was offered At least next morning info to relatives, social departement etc
Classification of Calls M – medical reason O – living conditions P – psychological E – special (police, fire, gas leak etc) X - technical reason Numbers mean: 1 – emergency included 2 – social care team only
Reason of Calls Mostly M1 - M2 Fell down seizures, injures, etc Sick feeling High blood pressure, heart dieases, chronic illness attac, need for medication/pills, pains, etc Need for personal care (pampers, bedcloth change, eat or drink)
SmartCare project- Web-based home monitoring system Duration of the project in May April In Estonia practical service (included alarm button service) started in February Pilot regions : Italy, Denmark, Spain, Great Britain, Finland, Greece, Serbia, Netherlands and Estonia Combination of social and health services for seniors over 65 years with chronic medical history
Telemedicine set for patients at home Tablet PC with SmartCard applications Blood pressure and glucose monitoring Online data delivering to clientś GPs Emergency button service set 3 target groups – 3 and 6 month online monitoring, patients without online monitoring Project aim- cooperation between social and medical system on behalf of client´s health
Number of clients in May 2015 From – 402 service users: Total - 193, included: 101 clients without home assastance 87 clients with social assistance by local social department 5 SmartCare clients
Number of clients in 2016 From 2007 to 2016 – 455 client Today –220, included : 127 clients without and 93 clients with social assistance by local social department
Thank You