Energy Changes & Phase Changes Heating & Cooling Curves
Heat Flow: hot to cold System – 1 phase 1 phase Environment
What about phase changes? Sometimes more than one phase of substance is present –when melting ice: both liquid water and solid water (ice) are present at same time temperature is constant: T=0
All chemical & physical changes are accompanied by energy changes Phase changes are physical changes: sometimes energy is absorbed - endothermic sometimes energy is released - exothermic Energy change for given phase change can be measured/calculated
Remember 6 possible phase changes and their names?
Melting Ice Ice water on hot plate: ice is melting ice is absorbing heat from hot plate and using it to change phase temperature of ice-water mix is constant (0˚C) – heat energy from hot plate is going into phase change (PE is increasing) heat energy not going to KE of particles
Identify a phase change as endothermic or exothermic PE Solid Liquid Gas EndothermicExothermic Melting Vaporization Sublimation Condensation Freezing Deposition
Heating & Cooling Curves Measure temperature as function of time at constant heating or cooling rate
Time Temperature I II IIIIVV Solid Solid & Liquid Liquid Liquid & Gas Gas K.E. K.E.↔ P.E.↔ P.E. Melt pt. Boil pt.
Melting & Boiling Points Plateaus = Phase changes = PE changes when 2 phases present, temperature is constant Melting point, Boiling point
What happens to temperature as heat is added at boiling point? Nothing, until only 1 phase is present!
To analyze a heating/cooling curve: Does curve go uphill or downhill? Label phases present in each region Describe what happens to KE in each region Describe what happens to PE in each region Locate melting point and boiling point