Jewish Culture
Guiding Questions: Which are the main characteristics of the country’s culture? Food specialities – traditions (about food – ways of serving, presenting the food) Music – religion – traditional clothes Principal ingredients including traditional dishes Festivities
Israel is home to a diverse population coming from many ethnic, community, religious,cultural and social.Of its 6.4 million habitants, 77.8% are Jewish, 17.3% are Arabs(mostly Muslim), and 4.9% is made up of Druze, Circassians and others not classifiedby religion. The company is relatively young and is characterized by social and religious commitment, political ideology, economic ingenuity and cultural creativity, which giveimpet us to its further development. Characteristics: Society:
Jewish Religion: Judaism, the first and oldest of the three great monotheistic faiths, is the religion and way of life of the Jewish people. The basic laws and tenets of Judaism are derived from the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. The most important teaching and tenet of Judaism is that there is one God, incorporeal and eternal, who wants all people to do what is just and merciful. All people are created in the image of God and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
Ways of serving the food : There is not a special way of serving food, but on some special days some things must be put on the table. In Shabbat the table should be covered with a special white cloth, and set with the best china and silver to honour the Shabbat Queen. Shabbat food should be the tastiest and best. It is said that Shabbat adds a special flavour to your food. Special Shabbat foods include gefilte fish, chicken oup, kugel, cholent and challot. Something important also is the Sidur, which is a book that has the praying as well as wine
Principal Ingredients
Traditional clothes:. Men: For jewish cloth we can recognize two principals elements known arround all the world the kippah and the tallit. The kippah surgged like a costme,then spread as a mark of respect to God and identification with the chosen nation (Jewish), While the tallit is the way to fulfilling a commandment that God has commanded Israel. Woman: The jewish woman shall dress in a discret way. Their dresses cant have red and their clothes cant be low cut. Covering her hair, the married woman makes a statement: "I'm not available. You can see me but I'm not open to the public
Kippha Tallit
Music: Jewish religious music consists mostly of songs from the synagogue. This music is based on the old style used in the Temple of Jerusalem, where, according to the Mishnah, the orchestra consisted of twelve instruments and the choir of twelve male singers. Important people related with music: Bob Dylan Jazz Gustav Malhercomposer Arturo Rubinstein Pianist
Festivities Shabbat Pesaj Shavout Rosh Hashaná Iom Kippur Sucot Simjat Torah Januca Purim Bat/Bar Mitzvah
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