Navigating the World of Learning Where to Start? Which option is best for you?
Options After High School University University Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Distance Education Distance Education Continuing Education Continuing Education College of Applied Arts and Technology College of Applied Arts and Technology Private Colleges Private Colleges On-the-Job Training On-the-Job Training Travel Travel Work Work Something Else Something Else
Universities & Colleges About 32% of high school grads in NL go on to pursue post-secondary studies at university or community colleges. About 32% of high school grads in NL go on to pursue post-secondary studies at university or community colleges. What is the difference between university & community college. What is the difference between university & community college.
University Community College Theory & academic focus. There can be a generalist or specialist approach. Theory & academic focus. There can be a generalist or specialist approach. Degree Degree 4 – 5 years for an undergraduate degree 4 – 5 years for an undergraduate degree 18 universities in Atlantic Canada 18 universities in Atlantic Canada Practical & hands-on. Training is specialized for particular occupations. Practical & hands-on. Training is specialized for particular occupations. Diploma or certificate Diploma or certificate 1 year – certificate 1 year – certificate 2 – 3 years – diploma 2 – 3 years – diploma Technician – 2 year Technician – 2 year Technologist – 3 year Technologist – 3 year 10 colleges in Atlantic Canada 10 colleges in Atlantic Canada
Where Can I Get This Info? Guidance Offices Guidance Offices Universities: Calendars, campus visits etc. Universities: Calendars, campus visits etc. Media: MacLean’s magazine (annual survey of Canada’s universities. Media: MacLean’s magazine (annual survey of Canada’s universities. Internet: The Department of Education has links to universities and colleges Internet: The Department of Education has links to universities and colleges Talk to people who have attended Talk to people who have attended
Apprenticeship Individuals who work with certified artisans and earn wages while they are training. Individuals who work with certified artisans and earn wages while they are training. Programs average about 4 years in duration. Programs average about 4 years in duration. In NL you must find an employer to hire you & register with the Industrial Training Section for the Department of Education. In NL you must find an employer to hire you & register with the Industrial Training Section for the Department of Education. High school education usually a prerequisite. High school education usually a prerequisite.
Women in Trades & Technology Skilled trades use to be male dominated but has been changing. Skilled trades use to be male dominated but has been changing. IWITTS – National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science. IWITTS – National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science. WISE – Women Interested in Successful Employment WISE – Women Interested in Successful Employment Techsploration – connects girls to female role models working or training in trades and technology. Techsploration – connects girls to female role models working or training in trades and technology.
Private Colleges Also known as private training schools Also known as private training schools Offer specialized training for specific occupations. Offer specialized training for specific occupations. Many of the programs teach computer- related &/or technological skills. Many of the programs teach computer- related &/or technological skills. Privately owned but often approved and regulated by the Government of NL. Privately owned but often approved and regulated by the Government of NL.
Private Colleges Generally have higher tuition costs than public colleges and universities. Generally have higher tuition costs than public colleges and universities. Programs usually completed in less time Programs usually completed in less time Some offer job-searching assistance upon graduation. Some offer job-searching assistance upon graduation. Constantly developing new courses and programs to comply with specific job demands. Constantly developing new courses and programs to comply with specific job demands.
Other Colleges There are other specialized, government- supported colleges throughout Canada: There are other specialized, government- supported colleges throughout Canada: agricultural colleges agricultural colleges colleges of health sciences colleges of health sciences Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Royal Military College Royal Military College
Distance Education Offers some students the chance to learn independently without attending an actual school. Offers some students the chance to learn independently without attending an actual school. D.E. can work for someone who is motivated. D.E. can work for someone who is motivated. MUN and College of the North Atlantic offer distance education courses. MUN and College of the North Atlantic offer distance education courses. CDLI CDLI
Continuing Education Offered by many colleges, universities and school boards to help people who cannot attend school full-time, usually because they are working, or only want to take one course at a time. Offered by many colleges, universities and school boards to help people who cannot attend school full-time, usually because they are working, or only want to take one course at a time. Also called “night school”. Also called “night school”. Advantage is flexibility, but offer more structure than DE. Advantage is flexibility, but offer more structure than DE.
Travel Educational and a form of training. Educational and a form of training. Travel and work at the same time. Travel and work at the same time. Working Holiday Makers Working Holiday Makers
Focus on your best options! Now that you have completed an overview of your options: Now that you have completed an overview of your options: Focus on what interests you most. Focus on what interests you most. Of course, you are still looking for opportunities that suit you, rather than making definite decisions. Of course, you are still looking for opportunities that suit you, rather than making definite decisions. The first step is to use good information resources to find as many possibilities as you can. The first step is to use good information resources to find as many possibilities as you can.