A Cluster Based On-demand Multi- Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Cheng Li1, Pu Wang1, Hsiao-Hwa Chen2, and Mohsen Guizani3.


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Presentation transcript:

A Cluster Based On-demand Multi- Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network Cheng Li1, Pu Wang1, Hsiao-Hwa Chen2, and Mohsen Guizani3 1 Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada 2 Department of Engineering Science National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 3 Department of Computer Science Western Michigan University, USA ICC 2008

Outline Introduction Network Architecture & Assumption COM-MAC Protocol Performance Evaluation Conclusion

Introduction Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN) are emerging networking paradigm WMSN promises a wide range of potential applications VideoImageaudio

WMSN demands larger bandwidth and entails high throughput Large volume of multimedia data ex : MICAz 250kbps MICAz and WINS can supply the mulit-channel MICAz and WINS can supply the mulit-channel there are 40 channels in WINS there are 40 channels in WINS

Network Architecture SINK Cluster node

Network Assumptions Sensor node Cluster head Use channels N different channels Transceiver number 1N powerBattery Sufficiency power supply Communication with cluster head Sensor can directly communicate with the cluster head Sensors is synchronized with the cluster head Cluster head communicates with sink by out-of –band

COM-MAC Protocol interval … Request session Scheduling session Data Transmission session Frame Structure

Request Session Contention protocol Contention-free TDMA/FDMA base protocol

Request Session Contention protocol Control channel assignment Request transmission s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 head s2 s1 s3 s4 s5 Control channel assignment REQ

Request Session Contention protocol Control channel assignment Request transmission Random back off scheme Back off interval [0, T req -T reqtrans ]

Request Session Contention-free TDMA/FDMA base protocol Control slot assignment Request transmission s2 s1 s3 s4 s5 Control slot assignment The cluster allocate the control slot to sensor nodes when the network is initial deployed The number of control slot in a channel = X/Y X= total number of sensor node in the same cluster Y= total number of available channel ex X=10 Y=2 control slot = 5 ex X=10 Y=2 control slot = 5 Request transmission T slot > T reqtrans

Scheduling Session Get the information from request session The Cluster head broadcast the scheduling information Time slot and radio channel

Scheduling Session The poor scheduling example Pi=request Hi=unused specturm

Scheduling Session Throughput = packet size / (deliver a packet time * channel capacity η= 500bits / 10sec * 2bps = 250 M: number of request N x C : multi-channel capacity

Scheduling Session According the algorithm Priority QoS requirement The less request time P15P2P1 P3 P4 P6 P7 P9 P8 P11 P12 P13 P14 P16 P10 P5 L

Data Transmission Session Data transmission section According the scheduling session information sensor node transmission data at the transmission session ACK section After receiving the packets, the cluster head send the ACK message If the sensor node doesn’t receive the ACK message,sensor node will retransmit the packet during the next interval

Performance Evaluation The simulator : NS-2 each channel capacity : 250 kbps Transmission range : 10 m Packet arrival rate : 0 – 10 (network traffic dynamics) Duration : 30 sec the channel number : 3 Packet size : 525 bytes Traffic rate : CBR

Performance Evaluation

Conclusion This paper propose the cluster base on- demand multi-channel MAC protocol better efficiency high throughput data reliability The simulation results that the COM-MAC can achieve network throughput lower delay performance

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