1 Management Directive 715 Broad Based Deficiencies and Recommended Actions (Bureau Name) This template is for your use to create your bureau State of the Agency briefing. This template is not all inclusive and can be altered/tailored to your bureau specific needs. Delete this box when editing
2 General Workforce Demographics
-3- (Bureau Name) Workforce Demographic Data FY 20XX * Civilian Labor Force (CLF): Data derived from the decennial census reflecting persons, 16 years of age or older who were employed or seeking employment, excluding those in the Armed Services. CLF data used is based on the 2000 Census. M/T: Total MalesF/T: Total Females WM: White MalesWF: White Females BM: Black MalesBW: Black Females HM: Hispanic MalesHF: Hispanic Females AM: Asian MalesAF: Asian Females AIM: American Indian Males AIF: American Indian Females HPIM: Hawaiian Pacific Islander Males HPIF: Hawaiian Pacific Islander Females 2+M: Two or More Races Males 2+F: Two or More Races Females Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-4- (Bureau Name) Workforce Comparison to the Federal Workforce and CLF Government FY 2005 (Bureau Name) FY CLF % Men57.0%36.0%53.2% % Women43.0%64.0%46.8% % White Males40.7%25.8%39.0% % White Females26.2%35.9%33.7% % Hispanic Males4.5%2.5%6.2% % Hispanic Females2.9%5.8%4.5% % Black Males7.8%5.5%4.8% % Black Females10.4%19.1%5.8% % Asian Males3.3%1.75%2.1% % Asian Females2.5%2.45%1.9% % American Indian/ Alaskan Nat. Males 0.7%0.26%0.3% % American Indian/ Alaskan Nat. Females 0.9%0.58%0.3% Boxes shaded in yellow indicate representation rates below the CLF. Replace Chart with bureau specific data
5 Trigger or Deficiency: Example: Potential Glass Ceiling for Females and Minorities
-6- (Bureau Name) Participation Rates for Males and Females in General Schedule Grades (Permanent Employees) Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-7- (Bureau Name) Participation Rates for Minority Males and Females in General Schedules (Permanent Employees) Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-8- Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Example: Potential Glass Ceiling There appears to be a “glass ceiling” for females and minorities at the GS xx-xx pay grades. Unclear at this time if problem is in recruitment of (or) career development. Replace with bureau specific issues
-9- Recommendations –State your bureau specific recommendations here on how to address the trigger/deficiency. wDevelop… wProvide… wIdentify… wEstablish… Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Potential Glass Ceiling Replace with bureau specific issues
10 Targeted Disability Participation Rates
-11- Top Five Agencies In FY 2005 with Highest % of People with Targeted Disabilities Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Annual Report, 2005 During FY 2006 Treasury’s participation rate for employees with Targeted disabilities decreased to 1.76% Federal workforce representation of employees with targeted disabilities was 0.96% in FY 2005 Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-12- (Bureau Name) Permanent Workforce Disability Demographic Agencies use the FY 2006 Federal high employment rate (_____%) of people with targeted disabilities as their benchmark. In FY 20__ (Bureau Name) was below the Federal high with an employment rate of ____% with targeted disabilities. (Bureau Name) targeted disability representation rate of permanent and temporary employees decreased by ____% from FY 20__, which equates to a loss/gain of ____ employees with targeted disabilities. Federal workforce representation of employees with targeted disabilities was ____% in FY 20___ Targeted disabilities includes deafness, blindness, missing limbs, partial paralysis, convulsive disorder, mental retardation, mental illness, and distortion of limb/spine. Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-13- Recommendations –State your bureau specific recommendations here on how to address the trigger/deficiency. wDevelop… wProvide… wIdentify… wEstablish… Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Low Representation –Targeted Disabilities Replace with bureau specific issues
14 Treasury Employee Separation Rates
-15- Triggers/Deficiencies –Voluntary separations (____%) for White women are at a rate greater than their overall representation (_____%). –Involuntary separations (____%) for Hispanic women are at a rate greater than their overall representation (____%). –Voluntarily separations (____%) for men are above their overall representation (____%). –Voluntary separations (____%) and Involuntary separations (____%) for Hispanic males are at a rate greater than their overall representation (____%) Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Employee Separation Rates
-16- Recommendations: –State your bureau specific recommendations here on how to address the trigger/deficiency. wDevelop… wProvide… wIdentify… wEstablish… Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Employee Separation Rates Replace with bureau specific issues
17 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
-18- ADR Use in the Pre-Complaint & Formal Complaint Process Counseling/ Complaints ADR OffersADR Participation ##%#% FY 2005 Pre-Complaint Counseling % FY 2006 Pre-Complaint Counseling 1, % % % Change FY 2005 to FY %-15.57%9.79% FY 2005 Formal Complaints* %2112.5% FY 2006 Formal Complaints* % % % Change FY 2005 to FY % % * ADR offers and participation rates are based on data reported in bureau 462 reports for FY 20___ and FY 20___ Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-19- ADR participation rates in the informal process, has increased. However, the majority of the employees are declining ADR. There is a decrease in ADR participation during the formal complaint process. Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Replace with bureau specific issues
-20- Recommendations – –State your bureau specific recommendations here on how to address the trigger/deficiency. wDevelop… wProvide… wIdentify… wEstablish… Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Replace with bureau specific issues
21 Complaint Data
-22- (Bureau Name) Formal Complaint Trends FY 20__ through FY 20__ The number of complaints filed in the Federal Government have decreased by ___% from the number filed from the pervious year. (Bureau Name) has noted a decrease of ___% in the number of complaints filed in FY 20__ compared to FY 20__. Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-23- Average Investigation Processing Days Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Annual Report, 20__ Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-24- Agencies With the Highest % of Timely Merit Decisions (No AJ) TotalNumber% AgencyWork ForceIssuedTimely *DCA15, % USPS800, % NAVY187, % TREASURY123, % DOT55, % Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Annual Report, 20__ *Defense Commissary Agency Replace Chart with current data
-25- Average Merit Decisions (No AJ) Processing Days Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Annual Report, 2005 Replace Chart with bureau specific data if applicable
-26- Bases Raised in Discrimination Complaints in FY 20___ NOTE: Multiple bases may be raised in a complaint. Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-27- Note: “Other” category consists of Retirement (__%), Reinstatement (__%), Duty Hours (___%), Awards (__%), Conversion to Full Time (__%), Appointment/Hire (__%) and Other (__%) complaints. Multiple issues may be raised in a complaint. Issues Raised in Discrimination Complaints in FY 20__ Replace Chart with bureau specific data
-28- –State your bureau specific recommendations here on how to address the trigger/deficiency. wDevelop… wProvide… wIdentify… wEstablish… Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Efficiencies in Complaint Processing Replace with bureau specific issues
29 EEO/HR Collaboration
-30- –State your bureau specific recommendations here on how to address the trigger/deficiency. wDevelop… wProvide… wIdentify… wEstablish… Identified Deficiency/Trigger – Bureau Collaboration Replace with bureau specific issues