It was a chilly Halloween evening as Ben excitedly ran up to his room and straight to his closet. He had been waiting weeks for this day to come. His costume was amazing and he couldn’t wait to wear it.
But when Ben opened his closet door his costume was gone! He had waited so long to wear his dragon costume and now it was missing. How was he supposed to go trick or treating without his costume?
Ben began to search everywhere for his dragon costume. He looked under his bed, in his dresser and in the laundry basket but it was nowhere to be found. He was beginning to panic because his friends were coming over and he had no costume.
He quickly ran downstairs and asked his mother if she had seen it. His mother looked at him and said “what costume?” He said “My dragon costume that was in my closet.” His mother smiled and replied “You mean this costume?” Then she pulled the costume out from behind His mother her back and handed it to him.
He looked the costume over to make sure nothing happened to it. Something was different about it he just didn’t know what. Then he found it, his mom had sewn a pouch onto the belly of his costume to hold candy! He gave her a hug and she helped him put it on. It was just in time too, at that moment the door bell rang.