Fakebook James Madison View photos of James Madison Send James Madison a message Wall Info Write something… Share Information Presidential Number: I was the 4 th president Political Party: I was a part of the Democrats State Elected From: I was elected from Virginia Dates of Presidency: Vice President(s): George Clinton and Elbridge Gerry 1786, I was the chief recorder at the constitutional convention Image 1812, I served in the war against Great Britain for the revolutionary war I helped the Virginians in the constitutional convention 1794 we finally finished the bill of rights 1781 I helped revise the articles #work 1814 We finally found an agreement and I signed the Treaty of Ghent #onmyway, im heading to the convention now wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personal Information Fakebook Wall Info Basic Information Following Birthday: March 16 th 1751 Hometown: King George County, Virginia Relationship Status: #Married to the wonderful Dolly Payne Todd Family Members: Wife, Mom, and Dad Education: I went to college at New Princeton University Activities/Interests:I love to study, read, horseback ride, play chess, and learn about Greek and Latin Pets:I had a parrot named macaw and a sheep Previous JobsI was a lawyer, farmer, member of Cabinet, and the House Fun Facts Image James Madison Image #savethes heep #Parrotaasot ation #Horseasocation #bookworm4lfe #chessnerds4lyfe Image #FMA
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