Credential Options Multiple Subject Single Subject Education Specialist
Credential Options Multiple Subject Single Subject Education Specialist Not available at UCI
Program Options 5th year (post bac) 1-2 year long program sometimes blended with a MA degree undergraduate blended program approx 4 years longrare in California
Program Options 5th year (post bac) 1-2 year long program sometimes blended with a MA degree undergraduate blended program approx 4 years longrare in California UCI program blended with MAT CalTeach for math and science
Goals of Teacher Education Prepare future teachers who: - are content area experts - attend to student needs - see teaching and assessment as interrelated - are reflective - understand and implement learning standards
Standards Common Core State Standards (adopted in 45 states) English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects Mathematics California Content Standards English Language Development Health History-Social Studies Physical Education Visual and Performing Arts World Languages Next Generation Science Standards
Credential Program Coursework Field Experience
Multiple Subject + MAT Teach in an elementary school Responsible for teaching all subjects May teach in a middle school if you teach more than one subject and have enough units in the subject area
Multiple Subject + MAT General education Bilingual education
Multiple Subject + MAT Summer Session 1 Summer Session 2 FallWinterSpringSummer Session 1 UCI Coursework3 courses4 courses7 courses5 courses4 courses1 course ExperienceField trip to a summer day camp 2 days a week fieldwork observation and participation Continue 2 days a week fieldwork observation and participation 4 days a week student teaching 5 days a week student teaching (new grade level) Continue and complete student teaching
Single Subject + MAT Teach in a middle school or high school Responsible for teaching one subject May teach one subject in the elementary grades, such as music or art
Single Subject + MAT at UCI Art English Math Music Science Social Studies World Languages
Single Subject + MAT Summer Session 1 Summer Session 2 FallWinterSpringSummer Session 1 UCI Coursework 3 courses2 courses6 courses4 courses 2 courses ExperienceBegin fieldwork observation and participation: minimum 12 hours a week Continue fieldwork observation and participation 12 hours a week Begin student teaching 5 full school days a week Continue student teaching 5 full days a week Complete student teaching 5 full days a week
CalTeach School of Education, Physical Science and Biological Science One of two institutions in CA that provide undergraduates a pathway to a credential Over 500 hours of fieldwork and student teaching in high needs schools; partner districts include SAUSD, NMUSD, TUSD, GGUSD, AUHSD Graduate with both a BA and a Credential in math or science
Questions? Susan Toma-Berge, Coordinator Multiple Subject Program Contact Information for the other programs Sue Vaughn, Coordinator Single Subject Program Kris Houston, Coordinator CalTeach