1 Psychology 320: Gender Psychology Lecture 6
2 Psychology Students Association (PSA) Joining if you are curious about… What you can do with your degree Information on graduate school in psychology Meeting fellow psych majors …and more! It’s easy to join! $10 by yourself or bring a buddy to get $8 each Leadership positions available! Public relations, Editor of a new Psych newsletter and much more! Find us at the SUB this week: September from 10A – 5P September 24 from 10A – 2P More information? Dr. Souza PSA reps
3 Invitational Office Hour Invitations, by Student Number for September 24 th 11:00-12:00, Arts 200 Café; 3:30-4:30 Kenny
4 From a classmate …. Youtube clip demonstrating gender variance:
5 Research Methods 2. What sources of bias do psychologists encounter when conducting research on gender? 1.What research methods do psychologists use to study gender? (continued)
6 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 1. apply your understanding of research methods to distinct hypotheses. 2. identify sources of researcher-related bias in gender psychology.
7 What research methods do psychologists use to study gender? (continued) Exercise in the application of research methods: Experimental studies Quasi-experimental studies Correlational studies Case studies Meta-analytic studies
8 Correlational study. HypothesisIdeal Research Method Male homosexual relationships are characterized by less violence than heterosexual relationships. Quasi-experimental study. Adults smile more frequently when interacting with female infants than male infants. Experimental study. High testosterone levels are associated with high levels of aggression.
9 Meta-analytic study. HypothesisIdeal Research Method The Hirjas who reside in the village of Koovagam in India are treated with unique reverence by other villagers. Case study. Girls who suffer from ADHD exhibit less hyperactivity and impulsiveness than boys who suffer from ADHD. Quasi-experimental study. Past research on temperament demonstrates a consistent gender difference in levels of extraversion.
10 What sources of bias do psychologists encounter when conducting research on gender? One-Minute Paper: At what stage(s) of the research process may gender-related biases occur? “Gender biases can occur at any stage.... However, the gender bias can most notably be activated through the questions researchers are asking, even further, through the theory proposed.” “One example could be labelling variables such as in the case of studying rape, labelling it as forcefully penetrating the vagina when this wouldn’t account for men and other sexually deviant and forceful acts.”
11 “.... if the hypothesis is gender-biased (for example ‘males tend to exhibit more aggressive behaviour than females’) the operationalization of the variable (aggressiveness) will be measured in a biased manner (e.g., territorial/possessiveness or … retaliation etc. which are not commonly seen in feminine behaviour).” “Using male samples and generalizing the findings to the entire population....”
12 “Bias can occur at any point in the research process. The gender of the person conducting the study may affect the nature of the hypothesis generated and … the method he/she chooses.... The type of people chosen and the way these people are treated, communicated with, can also be biased. The interpretation of the data can be biased as well, especially if the researcher is looking for results that favour his/her own gender.” “In the case of experimental research, the experimenter may treat participants in studies differently, depending on their pre-existing expectations of gender.... skewing the outcome toward the experimenter’s beliefs or hypothesis.”
13 “ … researchers’ personal beliefs, morals and values help to determine which problems will ultimately be researched. Furthermore, the variables that are examined, the types of studies used and the formation of the hypothesis are also influenced by the researchers’ personal ideas.... Results are often reflective of results demonstrating differences (and often between sexes). Researchers hardly ever report studies where differences are not found.” “A researcher could ignore certain data in favour of evidence that supports his or her theory....” “… data interpretation might be the most serious stage.”
14 “Gender bias can be viewed in every stage during the research process. This is because the examiner has some pervious gender biases built into her/her cognitive processes (social construction). Also, the participant has these same built in cognitive biases.”
15 Researcher effects: Researchers may introduce biases into gender- related research at all stages of the research process: At all stages of the research process, gender-related biases may occur.
16 Theory Hypothesis Operationalization Research Data Biased selection of research topics, biased theories and hypotheses. Biased selection of participants, variables confounded with gender, biased operationalizations, inconsistent behaviour with male and female participants. Biased interpretation of behaviour, publication of gender differences vs. similarities, publication of findings that support political agendas.
17 Research Methods 2. What sources of bias do psychologists encounter when conducting research on gender? 1.What research methods do psychologists use to study gender? (continued)