Convergence to Open Access Academic Resources Bahnisikha Roy Apurba J MajumderNabin Chandra Dey A Case Study of Research Scholars of Assam University, Silchar
The Study To find the awareness about free and open access resources among the research scholar of AUS. Identify the problems militating against the use of open access journals (OAJ) by scholars. To find out the rate of satisfaction of using open access resources by the scholars of AUS. The present study conducted on “Attitude towards Open Access Resources: A case study of Research Scholars of Assam University”. Out of 38 departments but this study is conducted only with the scholars of 10 selected departments of AUS.
The Respondents 156 questionnaires were distributed among the research scholars of selected departments of AUS, out of 156 questionnaires 110 (71%) has been received from the scholars. QUESTIONNAIRE DISTRIBUTEDNO. OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE (%) RECEIVED11071 NOT RECEIVED4629
E-resource Preferred Out of the 110 respondents, the most preferred e-resource is E-journal, which is picked up by 108 (98.18%) of respondents followed by E-book by 102 (92.7%) users. The least popular is E-magazine chosen by 3 (2.72%) of users RESOURCENO OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE E-BOOK E-JOURNAL E-THESIS E-NEWSPAPERS65.45 E-MAGAZINES32.72
E-resources V/S Printed Resources Among the respondents 72 (65.45%) respondents replied that they preferred e- resources whereas 38 (34.55 %) respondents replied in favour of printed resources.
Awareness Majority of the users, i.e. 108 (98.18%) are aware about the Open Access resources and only 02 (1.82%) respondents replied in negative. RESPONSENO OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE (%) YES NO021.82
Preferred Place of Access 43.63% respondents are using from University Library, 1.81% are using from Computer Center, 80.90% are using from Home, 1.81% are using from Internet Cafe, 94.54%are using from Department and 2.72% are using from Elsewhere. RESOURCESNO OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE(%) UNIVERSITY LIBRARY COMPUTER CENTER HOME INTERNET CAFE DEPARTMENT ELSEWHERE
Reason of Access 8.18% respondents are using it for Communication, 20.90% are using it for Recreation, 28.18% are using it for Professional, 95.45% are using it for Research Activity, 78.18% are using it for Personal Research, 23.63% are using it for presenting paper on conference or seminars
Effectiveness 104 (94.5) respondents are find Open Access resources as useful and 06 (5.5) respondents are find it as not useful RESPONSENO OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE (%) YES NO065.5
Importance on scholars work 106 (96.3%) respondents replied it as High importance, 100 (90.9%) respondents replied it as Somewhat importance, 03(2.7) respondents replied it as Little importance, 0 respondents replied it as No importance
Problems of Using OA Resources 92.72% said Download delay is the main problem, 2.72% said Lack of knowledge is the main problem, 90.90% said that Power outage is the main problem, 41.81% said that Retrieval of too much irrelevant information is the main problem. RESOURESENO OF RESPONDENTSPERCENTAGE (%) Download delay Lack of knowledge Power outage Junk information
Suggestions The library hour should be increased, so that user can access the internet resource for more hours including holidays University authority should allocate and spend adequate fund for building proper access of internet. Scholars need to make aware of the advantages of Open access resources. High internet speed for the faster retrieval of information and to save valuable time of the user. The Internet facility should be extended to the hostels and rooms of the scholars. Library should conduct training and workshop on Internet and its tool so that the user can be able to access Open access resources.
Conclusions Open access resources are one of the important component of ICT. We know that user satisfaction is the ultimate goal of each and every library. Through Open access resources scholars, not only scholars but also teachers, students are also benefited. They can freely access the required information within a small period of time if the internet speed become very fast, and it should be virus free. Power outage and download delay is another important problem. If these problems are solved then the status of using Open access resources by the scholars should be very high.