IBL Mock up Mounting procedure V.2 François-Xavier Nuiry Simon Feigl
MOUNTING PROCESS 1. Install all BP services in the set up (inlet and outlet sides) 2. install 2 NTC sensors: one at the inlet side, one in the middle of the central PMMA tube 3. Fix the BP aluminium supports on the T profile Beam pipe IST IBL IPT Global scheme of the thermal mock up: IBL & IST and IPT & BP are two systems mechanically independent IPT is supported on the BP by rings IBL is supported by the IST BP services are very fragile and are not re-workable. It is the weakest part of the mock up. If thermocouple leads are broken, it won’t be possible to bake out the pipe in a precise way. INLET SIDE OUTLET SIDE
4. Upgrade the Labview program with 10 new NTC sensors: Four sensors on the IPT (2 inlet side up and down + 2 outlet side up and down). See blue dots. Six sensors on the beam pipe (2 inlet side up and down on the aerogel + 2 at Z0 up and down + 2 outlet side up and down on the aerogel). See red dots. Beam pipe IST IBL IPT INLET SIDE OUTLET SIDE Steps 4 to 10 are realised outside plexiglas tubes IST length=2244mm IPT Length= 1225mm Aerogel removed over 622mm The IBL is supported on the IPT
5. Check all the NTC sensors with the labview program (one by one sensors have to correspond to the related names in labview) 6. Install new NTCs on the beam pipe and on the IST with Kapton tape (according to step 4). BP NTC sensor leads are routed first toward the inlet side. 6.1 IBL rings have to be inserted around the IST 7. IPT support parts have to be inserted around the beam pipe 8. IPT has to be inserted around the beam pipe. Place references to check future BP/IPT translations. 3 NTC sensors are mounted on the IPT. 9. IBL staves have to be mounted one by one around the IPT, on white rings. Check that 3 supports on each rings are present -Fix NTC leads with kapton tape -Services support rings are also mounted and glued together with small transparent tubes -NTC cables are routed on the services support rings -Boiling channels outlet lines are closed with in order to perform a future first pressure test (Step 14). 10. IST is inserted on the package BP + IPT + IBL from the outlet side. The insertion is stopped just before the inlet Swagelok are hidden. Insertion with long rods is dangerous: leads may be damaged. 11. The full package in inserted in the set up from the outlet side to the inlet side. The package is held with white collars 12. At the inlet side, BP services are plugged and fixed with kapton tape
13. Inlet cooling lines (capillaries) are inserted in the inlet PMMA tube 14. Inlet Swagelok are tightened. A first pressure test can be done now as inlet swagelok are visible. 15. The central PMMA tube is translated toward the inlet (the package BP + IPT + IBL + IST should not move) 16. The IST is now translated toward the inlet in order to reach the outlet Swagelok 16.1 IST NTC sensors are fixed now. Also Environnent and gas inlet sensors. 17. The outlet plexiglas tube is put on the cradle 18. Outlet cooling lines are inserted in the outlet plexiglas tube 19. Flat NTC cables are connected to green PCBs and installed in the outlet plexiglas tube 20. The outlet NTC sensor is pulled toward the outlet cap 21. Outlet Swageloks are tightened 22. Outlet BP services are connected 23. NTC sensor flat cables are connected to the outlet end cap
24. The outlet NTC sensor is fixed to the outlet cap 25. The outlet manifold is connected to the outlet cap 26. The inlet manifold is connected to the inlet cap 28. The CO2 lines are pressurized at 130 Bar during one hour with compressed air or N2. potential leaks are checked with 1000 bulles. At this stage we may observe the mock up is not well centered in the PMMA tube. This have to be solve while being sure that all parts are concentric 27. The BP is fixed to the PMMA tube with its definitive fixation on the outlet side 28. The IST is translated toward the outlet side 29. The BP is fixed to the PMMA tube with its definitive fixation on the inlet side 30. The IST is fixed with its definitive fixations on both sides 31. All parts are aligned with the help of the endoscope 32. The Beam pipe is electrically tested with the Rack 33. The set up is closed