Toward a Coastal Marine Ecological Classification Standard March 27, 2007 Christopher J. Madden NatureServe
Co-Authors Dennis Grossman Dennis Grossman Kathleen Goodin Kathleen Goodin Data steward: Kristin Snow Data steward: Kristin Snow Acknowledgement: NOAA team Acknowledgement: NOAA team
CMECS Facts Hierarchical Hierarchical Nested Nested Bio-physical Bio-physical Meters to contintental scale Meters to contintental scale Intended to be inclusive of other classifications Intended to be inclusive of other classifications
CMECS I Hierarchy Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Biotope Marine Ecological Region L1 L2 L4 L6 L7 L8 Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Biotope Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Biotope Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Biotope Estuary Geoform Hydroform Habitat& Modifiers Nearshore Marine L3 Geoform Hydroform Geoform Hydroform Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Biotope Estuarine- Influenced Geoform Hydroform Fresh Water Influenced Neritic Oceanic Ecological Region Biotope Habitat Geoform Hydroform System Regime Macrohabitat Zone Vagile Species & Biological Associations Geoform Hydroform L5 Habitat& Modifiers
Level 1 Regions
CMECS II Hierarchy 2007 Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Nearshore Marine Biotopes Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Oceanic Biotopes Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Estuarine Biotopes Estuarine Geoform Hydroform Estuarine Habitats Nearshore Marine Geoform Hydroform Geoform Hydroform Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Macrohabitat Structure/Substrate Fresh Influenced Biotopes Freshwater- influenced Geoform Hydroform NeriticOceanic L6: Biotope L5: Habitat L2: Formation L1: Regime L4: Macrohabitat L3: Zone Geoform Hydroform Fresh Influenced Habitats Nearshore Marine Habitats Neritic Habitats Oceanic Habitats Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Zone Water column, Littoral, Bottom Zone Water column, Bottom Zone Water column, Bottom Neritic Biotopes Vagile Species & Biological Associations Ecological Region now a classifier at any level, as needed
Estuarine Macrohabitat Estuarine Biotope Estuarine Geoform Hydroform Estuarine Habitat Water column Littoral Bottom Salinity/Enclosure/Total Depth Physical Coherence 3-D/2-D;Aqueous/Solid/Margin Physical Structure Substrate, Form, Energy, Physico- Chemistry Biology/Structure/Properties Level Themes Spatial Scale is an implicit classifier at each level, bounds tbd
Hierarchy Update Ecological Region removed as Level 1; is used as a classifier Ecological Region removed as Level 1; is used as a classifier Regime & System merged and streamlined Regime & System merged and streamlined Geoform/Hydroform recast as Formation Geoform/Hydroform recast as Formation Zone well-defined and subzones moved to classifiers Zone well-defined and subzones moved to classifiers Definition of Macrohabitat and Habitat Definition of Macrohabitat and Habitat Initiated characterization of Biotope Initiated characterization of Biotope
Level 3 Zone Benthic Water Littoral Formation
Classification Units vs. Map Units Classification units are conceptual entities. Classification units are conceptual entities. –Their circumscription represents an “average expression” of a habitat –Similar to species taxonomy Map units are the spatial representation of the classification on the ground. Map units are the spatial representation of the classification on the ground. –Map units may have a one to one, one to many, or many to one relationship to the classification units –Similar to species collections Nearshore marine regime Nearshore marine regime Marine lagoon formation Marine lagoon formationMarine lagoon formationMarine lagoon formation Nearshore marine lagoon littoral zone Nearshore marine lagoon littoral zoneNearshore marine lagoon littoral zoneNearshore marine lagoon littoral zone Marine lagoon oyster reef macrohabitat Marine lagoon oyster reef macrohabitatMarine lagoon oyster reef macrohabitatMarine lagoon oyster reef macrohabitat Nearshore marine lagoon inter-tidal live oyster reef habitat Classification Units Map units
Example: Aitutaki Atoll Atoll Formation (2) Near-Shore Water Column (3) Interior Lagoon (2) Shoreline (4) Hammock (4) Overwash Fan (4) Lagoon Shoreline (4) Wave Zone (4) Carbonate Sand Beach (5)
Classifier Value short description Salinity freshwater-influenced <=30 psu for at least 2 months of the year fresh-mesohaline <=18 psu fresh 0 psu oligohaline* >0-5 psu mesohaline 5-18 psu polyhaline- hyperhaline >18 psu polyhaline* psu marine >30 psu for >=10 months per year euhaline psu seawater =35 psu (open ocean) hyperhaline >40 psu Enclosure unenclosed semi-enclosed 25%-50% enclosed partially enclosed 50%-75% enclosed largely enclosed 75%-90% enclosed enclosed % enclosed Depth <30 m 30 m - shelf break shelf break is usually m deep >shelf break shelf break is usually m deep Geoform artificial structure archipelago atoll atoll lagoon Classifier Value short description Example of Classifier Set
Review Classification Standard Classification Unit Data Model Map Polygon Data Model Classification Unit Database Map Polygon Database International Standard (GEOSS, EUNIS, OBIS) FGDC Standard Public Website Applications: Conservation assessments Species management plans EFH Integration of historical information Habitat mapping Etc. CMECS Classification Development and Maintenance Review Classification maintenanceStandard refinement
Review Classification Standard Classification Unit Data Model Map Polygon Data Model Classification Unit Database Map Polygon Database International Standard FGDC Standard Public Website Applications: Conservation assessments Species management plans EFH Integration of historical information Habitat mapping Etc. CMECS Classification Development and Maintenance Review Classification maintenanceStandard refinement
CMECS Data Model Based on Biotics 4 Model for National Vegetation Classification
Classifier Value short description Salinity freshwater-influenced <=30 psu for at least 2 months of the year fresh-mesohaline <=18 psu fresh 0 psu oligohaline* >0-5 psu mesohaline 5-18 psu polyhaline-hyperhaline >18 psu polyhaline* psu marine >30 psu for >=10 months per year euhaline psu seawater =35 psu (open ocean) hyperhaline >40 psu Enclosure unenclosed semi-enclosed 25%-50% enclosed partially enclosed 50%-75% enclosed largely enclosed 75%-90% enclosed enclosed % enclosed Depth <30 m 30 m - shelf break shelf break is usually m deep >shelf break shelf break is usually m deep Geoform artificial structure archipelago atoll atoll lagoon interior lagoon of an atoll Classifier Value short description etc.
CMECS Data Model
OBIS Data Model Linkages OBIS will add field for CMECS habitat designation for each data set. (short term) OBIS will add field for CMECS habitat designation for each data set. (short term) OBIS incorporating CMECS into its data model to allow habitat designations for all data records. (long term) OBIS incorporating CMECS into its data model to allow habitat designations for all data records. (long term) The OBIS portal will have a direct link to CMECS website. The OBIS portal will have a direct link to CMECS website. OBIS-NatureServe working to unify terminology across IMCRA, EUNIS and CMECS OBIS-NatureServe working to unify terminology across IMCRA, EUNIS and CMECS
San Diego Supercomputer Center Ontology Mapping Project Ontology Mapping Project Translation and crosswalk via the “Wrapper” Translation and crosswalk via the “Wrapper” Ecological species & biology Classification Hierarchy Physical multi-dimensional environment classification units A useful tool for comparing classifications
Maintaining CMECS Classification unit database is managed in one place. Classification unit database is managed in one place. Two full-time data managers Two full-time data managers Classification unit database updated continuously with “lineage tracking”. (i.e. not “versioned”) Classification unit database updated continuously with “lineage tracking”. (i.e. not “versioned”) –Allows user to know where old types went and what types were “active” on a given date. Standard review process for changes. Standard review process for changes. –New types, lumps, splits, refinements, etc. –Minimum information requirements for making changes. –Standard form available for making changes. Update public website on regular schedule (quarterly) Update public website on regular schedule (quarterly)
SEAMAP Pilot S. Atlantic Bight S. Atlantic Bight Existing Datasets Existing Datasets Large Scale Features Large Scale Features Diversity of Methods and Tools Diversity of Methods and Tools
Florida Bay Project Florida Keys Florida Keys Existing Dataset Existing Dataset Unique Biological Setting Unique Biological Setting Regional Classification Regional Classification Small Scale Features Small Scale Features
SCHEME Integration and benthic mapping (Munson Foundation) Florida Bay/Everglades Florida Bay/Everglades Multiple Existing Datasets Multiple Existing Datasets Merging Classifications Merging Classifications Small Scale Features Small Scale Features Multiple End-User Partners Multiple End-User Partners
CMECS: Ongoing Work FGDC Review FGDC Review Enhanced definitions for macrohabitat, habitat, biotope Enhanced definitions for macrohabitat, habitat, biotope Population of database through pilots Population of database through pilots Rules for defining new units and clarify the appropriate use of classifiers Rules for defining new units and clarify the appropriate use of classifiers Expanded classification – especially at lower 3 levels Expanded classification – especially at lower 3 levels Summary descriptions for each unit Summary descriptions for each unit Protocol for applying the classification in the field, and refined mapping methodology Protocol for applying the classification in the field, and refined mapping methodology Revision and review process Revision and review process Long term data management strategy Long term data management strategy Conservation status assessment methodology Conservation status assessment methodology Training for users Training for users