Dan Collins artCORE Coordinator Professor of Intermedia School of Art Arizona State University Principles of Core Art Instruction (ARA 598) August 24, 2012 So You Wanna Be an Art Teacher…?!
Introduction Since 1988, I have had the pleasure of supervising graduate teaching assistants in our foundation program in studio art at Arizona State University. These GTAs—many of whom are first time teachers— are “instructors of record” who help to create original curricula and teach undergraduate students enrolled in our first year art and design courses. There are 28 of them per semester…most of them MFA candidates in our Studio program. I asked them for some pictures of themselves. This is what they sent…
Some are quite young.
And some are fugitives from the law.
Some are endearing…
Some are driven by curiosity.
Program Description Despite our unique GTAs, ASU is pretty typical: Large state university with over 1200 majors. (Now the “biggest” University in the U.S.A.) 36 individual 100 level classes in Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design, Color, and Intro to Digital Media every semester. Almost all of these courses are taught by GTAs. We are proud of our program but…
The Dark Side of GTA Instruction They work with little or no supervision by senior faculty. They are paid at a wage substantially lower than market value. They are seldom given the opportunity to develop a personal teaching philosophy. FACT: Much of foundation teaching is being performed by graduate students without adequate preparation for the studio or classroom.
The Dynamic of GTA Instruction Typical Undergraduate Task of Teaching Teaching Assistant Perceived Curriculum Path to Full-time Teaching Job
What’s Your Teaching Philosophy?
John Dewey X X X bell hooks Elliot Eisner
What we CAN do. Most of us are not positioned to address the administrative, economic, or broader ethical dimensions of the problem. But…we CAN ensure that our Foundation Programs provide the GTA with: studio practiceteaching a way to connect studio practice and teaching. new perspectives an opportunity to explore new perspectives on art. interdisciplinary bridge an interdisciplinary bridge between art education, art history, and other fields of inquiry. personal teaching philosophy an opportunity to develop a personal teaching philosophy. learning community entrée into a learning community for interaction and support. teaching portfolio teaching job the opportunity to build a teaching portfolio and gain the experience needed to secure a teaching job.
Principles of Core Art Instruction (ARA 598) Several years ago, I received approvals to formalize the materials provide to TAs as a new 3 credit class— Principles of Core Art Instruction. This course provides: · resources for teaching foundation level art and design courses. · an overview of issues germane to University level art instruction. · an opportunity to build a “teaching portfolio.”
Outcomes for ARA 598 Students will: develop course materials for a practicum in teaching art at the introductory University level (any art course in the School of Art is an acceptable target). modify existing curricular models provided by the instructor and create at least one original project that includes objectives, resources, processes, and assessment strategies. demonstrate knowledge of different philosophical orientations with respect to art instruction. produce a “teaching portfolio” that includes samples of curriculum design for art as well as examples of their students’ work produced during the practicum.
New Course: Sample Teaching Portfolio
GTA Online Resources at ASU artCORE Website (online since 1995!) –Matrix of Studio Fundamentals and Conceptual Themes –“Electronic Textbook” provides alternative to traditional hardcopy texts. –Course Outlines, TA handbook, and other resources all on line. artCORE Wiki (launched in 2009) –General Resources for developing a foundation art class –Fully “participatory” site allows for TA editing, comments, uploads –Complete (editable) digital slide lectures for every Unit. –Links to outside sources Blackboard –Online posting of all course materials –Announcements –Opportunities for peer to peer interaction via Discussion Forum – support –Online quizzes for pre-test and post-test –Quick assessment of student learning
GTA Online Resources: Links for GTAs at ASU
GTA Online Resources: Course Outlines
GTA Resources: artCORE website
GTA Online Resources: 3D Matrix
GTA Resources: Studio Units
GTA Resources: project page
GTA Resources: thematic inquiry
GTA Online Resources: Digital Slide Lectures
GTA Online Resources: Digital Slide Sample
GTA Online Resources: Blackboard
Recommendations for the Future Mentoring of TAs and/or team teaching with Senior faculty. Partnerships with on-campus learning centers and “future faculty” preparation programs. Better connections with alums: The foundation program as archive and record of past TA involvement.
artCORE program at ASU ASU artCore Program: artCore Coordinator: Professor Dan Collins artCore Research Assistant: Chris Todd Herberber College of Fine Arts:
Contact Info: Dan Collins, Professor School of Art, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ artCORE wiki: artCORE wiki:
Introduction Since 1988, I have had the pleasure of supervising graduate teaching assistants in our foundation program in studio art at Arizona State University. These GTAs—many of whom are first time teachers— are “instructors of record” who help to create original curricula and guide undergraduate students enrolled in our first year art and design courses. I asked them for some pictures of themselves. This is what they sent…
New Course: Principles of Core Art Instruction Some of the pedagogical territory covered in this new course may be of interest to others charged with “teaching teachers to teach” in an art context. I begin with stressing the importance of balancing form and content. Our curriculum pairs “studio fundamentals” with conceptual “themes” that provide opportunities for problem solving and an awareness of contemporary issues. First time TAs writing syllabi and developing new course materials learn that a well-rounded problem includes at least two targeted objectives: one in formal design and one in concept development.
The Impact of the Internet and New Technology ASU Core curriculum has been online since 1995 Goal to eliminate print and provide resource in the form of an “electronic textbooks” for all classes. Recently, we have developed original interactive modules and linked to the Madison Digital Image Database (MDID)—a significant step in eliminating our dependency on soon to be obsolete media and the 35 mm slide.
New Course: Principles of Core Art Instruction Catalog Description: Principles of learning and instruction for Teaching Assistants assigned to foundation- level studio art courses. Practical resources for art teachers, overview of issues for art instructors, general pedagogical orientation, intro to new media, tools for developing teaching portfolio.
New Course: Principles of Core Art Instruction This course provides: · resources for teaching foundation level art and design courses. · an overview of issues germane to University level art instruction. Use of digital media for instruction, Curriculum design, Active and Cooperative learning principles, Critique and assessment strategies. · guidance towards a “teaching portfolio” of syllabi, personal teaching philosophy, and student work.
What’s Your Teaching Philosophy? John Dewey X X X Lucy Lippard Elliot Eisner