Chapter 4 “REVOLUTION”. Rebellion begins to stir The Stamp Act George Greenville Legal Documents License Newspaper Playing cards.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 4 “REVOLUTION”

Rebellion begins to stir The Stamp Act George Greenville Legal Documents License Newspaper Playing cards

The Stamp Act Rebellion Colonist refused to pay the tax Begins the seeds of self government King begins to lose control over colonists Mob Threats Attacks on Tax collectors

The Townsend Acts Charles Townsend Direct Tax Glass, Lead, Paint, and Paper Taxation Without Representation Boycott British Goods June of 1868 The Liberty was taken and all cargo seized - John Hancock

Tensions begin to heat up

The Boston Massacre March Fight over jobs Mob gathered to taunt soldiers Crispus Attucks and four others dead Committees of Correspondence

The Boston Tea Party Tea Tax Sons of Liberty Dumped tea into the harbor

King George Passed the Intolerable Acts One closed the Boston Harbor Quartering Act Martial Law was enforced

Response to the Intolerable Acts Committees of Correspondence assembled the first Continental Congress Declaration of colonial rights Agreed to reconvene if the request went unanswered

Fighting Erupts The colonist can not stand anymore. They rebel at Lexington Concord.

Paul Revere and the Midnight ride

“The shot heard around the world” The battle of Lexington Concord sparked the meeting of the second continental congress

Map of British March from Lexington to Concord

John Adams Suggested a sweeping change, a radical plan Each colony set up it’s own government Establish a continental Army headed by a powerful General

Establishment of the Continental Army Militia encamped around Boston became the Continental Army A young general from the French and Indian war became the Commander

“Don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes”

Olive Branch Petition Plea with King to stop Taxation without representation and the colonies would tow the mark. King George Rejected it

The motivation behind the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson Writer of Declaration of Independence Statesman Gentleman Dignitary to France

We hold these truths to be self evident that all men were created equal and that they are endowed with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Americans began to chose sides PatriotsLoyalists PatriotsLoyalists

Battles of Note Boston - American New York - British Trenton - American Philadelphia - British Saratoga - American

Valley Forge - Turning point for Washington and his Men

Colonial Life during Revolution Inflation – the prices of products rises exceedingly high Deflation – Prices of products fall exceedingly low

Profiteering Buying and selling of scarce resources. AARRRGG!

Civilians get involved in the cause Molly Pitcher

European Allies shift the balence Friedrich Von Steuben Prussian Drill master Turn colonials into regular Army Marquis de Lafayette French Aid to Washington Help convince French to help

The Battle of Cowpens (The Patriot)

The Battle of Yorktown The final Battle of the war and the end to British control in the colonies

Map of troop encampments

British Troops move in

French Troops move in

American Troops storm Yorktown

British begin to falter

Washington declares victory at Yorktown

Treaty of Paris The treaty of Paris ended the war and established the boundaries of what would become the original United States of America